Cylinder Head Assembly: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect battery ground cable and drain cooling system.
2. Remove mass airflow sensor and air intake duct.
3. Disconnect accelerator, cruise control and throttle valve cables from throttle body.
4. Remove crankcase ventilation pipe.
5. Disconnect vacuum hoses attached to throttle body and intake manifold.
6. Remove exhaust crossover pipe.
7. Disconnect heater hoses from engine.
8. Disconnect fuel line and electrical connector from throttle body.
9. Disconnect upper radiator hose.
10. Remove fuel rail.
11. Remove alternator and bracket and position aside.
12. Remove power steering pump and position aside.
13. Remove right side exhaust manifold.
14. Remove distributor cap and rotor, if necessary.
15. Remove A/C compressor bracket bolt.
16. Remove left side exhaust manifold.
17. Remove valve covers.
18. Remove intake manifold.
19. Remove rocker arm shaft assemblies and push rods. All valve train parts must be installed in original locations.
20. Remove cylinder head bolts and the cylinder head.
21. Reverse procedure to install.
Fig. 6 Cylinder head bolt torque sequence:
22. Refer to tightening sequence, Fig. 6, and tighten cylinder head bolts in 3 steps as follows:
a. Torque all bolts to 25 ft. lbs.
b. Tighten each bolt an additional 90°, in sequence, noting torque value as bolt is tightened. Should torque on bolt being tightening reached 60 ft. lbs. at any time, stop at this point and do not complete 90° rotation. Uneven tightening of bolts may distort cylinder bores, causing loss of compression and increased oil consumption.
c. Tighten each bolt an additional 90°, in sequence, noting torque value as bolt is tightened. The values for all the bolts should be about the same.