Fig. 13 Exploded View Of Rear Differential:
Prior to assembly, lubricate all seal lips, bearings, gears and bearing surfaces with axle lubricant.
1. Install thrust washers and side gears into differential case. If original gears and washers are used, align marks scribed during disassembly and install them in their original positions.
2. Refer to Fig. 13, then install pinion gears and thrust washers as follows:
a. Position one pinion gear (13) between side gears (11) and rotate gears until pinion gear is directly opposite large opening in case.
b. Place other pinion gear (13) between side gears and ensure holes in both pinion gears are aligned.
c. Rotate pinion gears towards opening in case just enough to insert thrust washers (12) between gears and case.
d. Align holes in gears, thrust washers and case.
e. Install pinion shaft into case and through holes in gears and washers.
f. Install pinion shaft retaining screw and torque to 26 ft. lbs.
3. Attach ring gear onto differential case, then install new drive gear bolts and torque to 63 ft. lbs. Always use new drive gear bolts.
4. Using bearing installation tool No. J 33790 or equivalent, install side bearing into differential case.
Fig. 18 Outer Bearing Cup Installation:
Fig. 19 Inner Bearing Cup Installation:
Fig. 20 Pinion Shim Measurement:
5. Using bearing cup installation tool No. J 33837-1, J 33837-3 and J 33837-4 or equivalents, install outer bearing cup, Fig. 18.
6. Using bearing cup installation tool No. J 33837-1, J 33837-3 and J 33837-4 or equivalents, install inner bearing cup, Fig. 19.
7. To select the proper shim thickness it will be necessary to measure pinion depth. To measure pinion depth, obtain pinion shim setting gauge tool No. J 33838 or equivalent and a dial indicator, then proceed as follows:
a. Lubricate inner and outer pinion bearings with axle lubricant.
b. Holding pinion bearings in position, install pinion shim setting gauge tool No. J 33838 or equivalent as shown in Fig. 20.
c. Preload inner and outer pinion bearings to 20 inch lbs. by tightening mounting bolt on tool and holding end of tool shaft with a wrench.
d. Set dial indicator at zero, then position it in pinion shim setting gauge tool, Fig. 20.
e. Push dial indicator down until needle rotates approximately three turns clockwise. Tighten dial indicator in this position.
f. Set button of pinion shim setting gauge tool on differential bearing bore.
g. Rotate tool slowly back and forth until dial indicator reads lowest point of bore. Set dial indicator to zero. Repeat rocking action of tool to verify zero setting.
h. After zero setting is obtained and verified, move tool button out of side bearing bore.
i. Record dial indicator reading, then choose a shim that corresponds with dial indicator reading. For example; if reading is .033 inch install a .033 inch thick shim.
8. Using pinion bearing installer tool No. J 33785 or equivalent, install inner pinion bearing onto pinion gear.
9. Install new pinion bearing spacer onto pinion gear, then outer pinion bearing into case.
10. Using pinion oil seal installer tool No. J 33782 or equivalent, install pinion flange seal into case.
11. Install pinion gear into carrier case.
12. Install pinion flange deflector, pinion flange, pinion flange washer and nut.
13. Tighten nut until no endplay is detectable while holding flange with pinion flange remover tool No. J 8614-01 or equivalent. Bearing preload is determined by tightening this pinion nut. Tightening the nut can add many additional inch lbs. of torque. The pinion nut must be tightened carefully and in small increments, checking preload after each slight amount of tightening. Check bearing preload using an inch lb. wrench. Maximum preload is 20 inch lbs.
14. Rotate pinion several times to ensure that bearings are seated. Check preload again. If preload has been changed by rotating pinion, reset preload to specification.
15. Using output shaft bearing installer or equivalent, install differential output bearings into differential carrier adjusting sleeves.
16. Thread both sleeves into carrier case, then using bearing cup installer tool No. J 23423-A install bearing cups into carrier case.
17. Install differential case assembly into carrier case half that contains the pinion gear.
18. Using side bearing adjuster wrench tool No. J 33792 or equivalent, turn left hand adjusting sleeve inward toward differential case until backlash is felt between ring and pinion gear.
19. Assemble carrier case halves. Do not use sealer at this time.
20. If carrier halves do not make complete contact, back out righthand adjusting sleeve.
21. Install case attaching bolts and torque to 37 ft. lbs.
Fig. 21 Marking Location Of Adjusting Sleeves:
Fig. 22 Measuring Backlash At Ring Gear:
22. Measure ring and pinion gear backlash as follows:
a. Using side bearing adjuster wrench tool No. J 33792 or equivalent, tighten righthand adjusting sleeve until no backlash is present, approximately 100 ft. lbs.
b. Tighten lefthand adjusting sleeve to approximately 100 ft. lbs.
c. Scribe location of adjusting sleeves in relation to carrier case halves so that notches in adjusting sleeves can be counted when turned, Fig. 21.
d. Using side bearing adjuster wrench tool No. J 33792 or equivalent, turn righthand adjusting sleeve out two notches.
e. Turn lefthand adjusting sleeve inward one notch, then rotate pinion several times to seat bearings.
f. Using dial indicator clamp tool No. J 8001-1, dial indicator mount J 25025-1 and gear lash gauge J 34047 or equivalents, and mount indicator as shown in Fig. 22.
g. Use small button on indicator stem so that contact can be made near heel end of ring gear tooth to obtain an accurate backlash reading.
h. Record backlash readings at three or four points around the ring gear. Pinion must be held stationary when recording backlash.
i. Backlash should measure between .003-.010 inch with no more than .002 inch variation between the different measurement points. If backlash differs more than .002 inch between measuring points, check for burrs, distorted case flange, uneven bolting condition, or foreign matter between case and ring gear.
j. If backlash is not within specification, adjust sleeves as necessary. To increase backlash, turn left sleeve inward and right sleeve outward. To decrease backlash, turn left sleeve outward and right sleeve inward. When adjusting backlash, always maintain ``one notch'' preload at side bearings. For example; if it is necessary to turn right sleeve one notch inward, then left sleeve must be turned one notch outward.
k. When backlash is correct, mark position of sleeves so they can be kept in the same location.
23. Loosen righthand adjustment sleeve, then remove four carrier case attaching bolts.
24. Apply sealer No. 1052357, Loctite 514 or equivalent, on one carrier case surface.
25. Install four carrier case attaching bolts and torque to 35 ft. lbs.
26. Reposition righthand sleeve to previously marked position, then install both differential adjuster lock tabs with lock bolts and torque to 71 inch lbs.
27. Attach dampner assembly to differential mounting bracket, torque bolts and nuts to 35 ft. lbs.
28. Install shaft seal into shaft seal retainer assembly.
29. Install shaft seal retainer assembly.
30. Install differential mounting bracket and torque mounting bracket attaching bolts to 35 ft. lbs.
31. Install righthand differential output shaft and snap into position.
Fig. 23 Installing Shaft Seal:
32. Using output shaft seal installer tool No. J 33893 or equivalent, install seal into tube extension, Fig. 23.
33. Apply sealer No. 1052357, Loctite 514 or equivalent to carrier surface, then install lefthand differential output shaft into tube extension.
34. Install tube extension with washers and bolts, torque bolts to 18 ft. lbs.
35. Press vent hose connector into position, then install filler plug and torque to 26 ft. lbs.