A/T - 440T4 Reverse Reaction Plate/Valve Body Strap
TSB 89-6 (Mar)SUBJECT:
Reverse reaction plate and valve body clamping strap
The reverse reaction plate (Figure 1) is a narrow steel plate that installs into the reverse reaction drum. This plate keeps the 2nd clutch housing support from damaging components, should the support move out of the 2nd clutch housing.
The 2nd clutch housing support is staked into the 2nd clutch housing. In 1987-up transmissions, the 2nd clutch housing support is held into the 2nd clutch housing with a snap ring. This eliminates the need for the reverse reaction plate. The 1987-up support can be used on all Models, eliminating the need for the reverse reaction plate. Part number for the 1987-up 2nd clutch housing support is 8662010.
The 1985-1/2-1987 transmissions have a valve body clamping strap located on the valve body, (See Figure 2). The new transmissions built do not have this strap. It has been found to be unnecessary. On transmissions with the valve body clamping plate, it can be left out.