To Obtain Factory Backup Code
E. To obtain Factory Backup Code After Obtaining Display Code (Step D)1. After obtaining the display code in Step "D" call 1-800- 537-5140 (U.S. and Canada) or (317) 451-8965. (You will need your six digit dealer code number).
2. When the computer prompts, using a Touchtone (TM) telephone, enter your 6 digit dealer code, then press *. For example, if your dealer code is 213063, then you would enter 213063 *.
3. When prompted, enter the 6 digit radio display code, then press *. The computer will respond with the factory backup code. Please write it down. The computer may give you two possible codes. If the first code does not unlock the radio per step "A" , then use the second code. On some models another possible backup code is 0's. Refer to step "A" to use these factory backup codes.