1. Drain transmission fluid.
2. Install Servo Cover Depressor J-29714 or equivalent, then remove retaining ring, servo cover and O-ring seal.
3. Remove servo piston and band apply pin, then the servo cover depressor.
4. Measure servo pin length as follows:
a. Install intermediate band apply pin gauge J-25014-2 or equivalent in intermediate servo bore. Ensure gauge is seated squarely against retaining ring.
b. Align retaining ring with case slot.
c. Insert intermediate band apply pin gauge J-25014-1, or equivalent, into J-25014-2. Ensure tapered end of J-25014-1 is properly located against band apply pin and band apply pin is located in case.
d. Install dial indicator J-8001 or equivalent, position dial indicator stem against zero post, then zero indicator.
e. Align stepped side of pin J-2501 4-2 with torquing arm of J-2501 4-2.
f. Apply 107 inch lbs. of torque, then position dial indicator stem over J-25014-1 and read dial indicator. Refer to chart for pin selection.
5. Remove oil pan bolts, then the oil pan and gasket.
6. Remove oil filter and seal, then disconnect electrical connectors. Remove bolts and clips securing electrical harness and solenoid.
7.Remove bolts and clips securing electrical harness and solenoid.
8. Remove case electrical connector, then the O-ring seals from solenoid and electrical connector.
9. Remove throttle lever and bracket assembly, then the throttle lever to cable link.
10. Remove TV exhaust valve lifter and spring.
11. Remove manual detent roller and spring assembly, signal oil pipe retainer, then the signal pipe.
12. Remove remaining valve body bolts, control valve body, manual valve and three check balls.
13. Remove 1-2 accumulator housing then the plate and gasket.
14. Apply approximately 3 psi of compressed air to 1-2 accumulator piston orifice and remove piston.
15. Remove 1-2 accumulator piston seal ring, spacer plate and gaskets.
16. Remove 3-4 accumulator piston, spring and pin. Note position of 3-4 accumulator piston and spring. These parts must be installed in their original position.
17. Remove the piston seal ring, then eight check balls.
18. Remove governor cover bolts, then the cover.
19. Remove gasket and governor.
20. Inspect third accumulator check valve for a missing check ball, binding or stuck check all oil feed slot missing or restricted or valve not seated in case.
21. Only if damaged, remove third accumulator check valve as follows:
a. Insert a No. 4 screw extractor into third accumulator check valve assembly.
b. Pull straight out while turning tap handle.
22. Insert check valve, small end first, into oil feed slot, facing servo cover.
23. Seat check valve, using a 3/8 inch diameter metal rod.
24. Overdrive unit endplay should be checked prior to removing internal parts. If endplay is not within specifications, check or worn or improperly assembled parts during disassembly. Check endplay as follows:
a. Remove an oil pump bolt, then install post J-25025-7A or equivalent.
b. Install output shaft and rear unit support fixture J-25013-1 and output shaft support fixture J-29332-1 or their equivalents.
c. Install endplay fixture adapter J-25022 and oil pump remover and endplay checking fixture J-24773 or their equivalents, then dial indicator J-8001 or equivalent.
d. Maintain approximately 3 lbs. of lifting force while setting dial indicator to zero.
e. Increase lifting force to approximately 20 lbs, then measure endplay. Endplay should be 0.004-0.027 inch. Refer to chart for selection of proper washer.
25. Remove oil pump seal, then the pump bolts and washer.
26. Install oil pump remover and endplay checking fixture J-24773-A or equivalent.
27. Remove oil pump, seal ring and gasket.
28. Remove oil deflector plate.
29. Remove snap ring, then the overdrive and fourth clutch plates by grasping turbine shaft and lifting.
30. Remove thrust bearing, overdrive internal gear and thrust washer.
31. Install J-29334-1 from fourth clutch compressor J-29334 or equivalent on fourth clutch spring and retainer, then install J-29334-2 from fourth clutch compressor J-29334 or equivalent on case.
32. Compress fourth clutch spring and retainer.
33. Remove snap ring, tools J-29334-1 and 2, then the fourth clutch piston.
34. Forward clutch shaft endplay should be checked prior to removal. If endplay is not within specifications, check for damaged or improperly assembled parts. Check endplay as follows:
a. Push forward clutch shaft down, then install output shaft and rear unit support fixture J-25013 and output shaft support fixture J-29332 or their equivalents.
b. Install forward and direct endplay checking device J-29337, post tool J-25025-7A and dial indicator J-8001 or their equivalents.
c. Turn adjusting screw on J-29332 until white/scribe line on J-25013-1 begins to disappear.
d. Zero dial indicator, then lift on J-29337. Endplay should be 0.022 - 0.051 inch. Refer to chart for proper washer thickness. Do not remove output shaft and rear unit support fixture J-25013 or output shaft support fixture J-29332.
35. Remove two bolts, then the snap ring.
36. Install center support remover J-29334 and slide hammer J-7004 or their equivalents, using snap ring for support/4th clutch spring to support J-29334.
37. Remove center support and thrust washer.
38. Install forward and direct clutch endplay checking device J-29337 or equivalent.
39. Remove direct and forward clutch assembly.
40. Remove direct clutch from forward clutch.
41. Remove thrust washer, then the intermediate band assembly.
42. Remove band anchor pin, then the thrust washer.
43. Front gear endplay should be checked prior to removing internal parts. If endplay is not within specifications, check for damaged or improperly assembled parts. Check front internal gear to output shaft endplay as follows:
a. Install clamp, plunger extension J-7057 and dial indicator J-8001 or their equivalents.
b. Position plunger extension against output shaft, then zero dial indicator.
c. Turn adjusting screw on output shaft support fixture clamp J-29332, or equivalent, until white scribe line begins to disappear.
d. Read dial indicator. Endplay should be 0.0O4-0.025 inch. Refer to chart for proper washer thickness.
44. Remove snap ring, selective washer and thrust washer.
45. Remove front internal gear, front carrier and roller bearing.
46. Remove front sun gear and thrust bearing.
47. Remove input drum, rear sun gear, then the tanged thrust washer.
48. Modify a No. 4 screw extractor by grinding approximately 3/4 inch from the end.
49. Insert screw extractor into case cup plug.
50. Remove case cup plug, then the snap ring. Beveled side of snap ring should be facing up.
51. Install reverse clutch housing remover J-28542 or equivalent, then remove 10-reverse clutch housing and spacer.
52. Remove output shaft assembly, roller clutch and rear carrier.
53. Remove thrust washer and wave plate, then the lo-reverse clutch plates and thrust washer. Rear internal gear is pressed onto output shaft. Do not remove internal gear.
54. Remove output shaft, then the output seal, if necessary.
55. Remove hex nut, then the inside detent lever.
56. Remove parking lock actuator rod assembly, then the inside detent lever.
57. Remove retaining pin, manual shaft, manual valve line and clip, if necessary, then the manual shaft seal.
58. Remove bolts and parking lock bracket.
59. Remove retaining pin and cup plug, then the parking pawl shaft, using modified No.4 screw extractor.
60. Remove parking pawl and spring.