Engine: Service and Repair
Do not raise or support engine by positioning jack under oil pan, crankshaft damper or other sheet metal components. Raise engine only enough to provide sufficient clearance for mount removal. Check for interference between rear of engine and cowl panel which could result in distributor damage.
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Scribe alignment marks on hood and hood hinge, then remove hood.
3. Remove air cleaner assembly, then raise and support vehicle.
4. Drain crankcase and cooling system, then disconnect lower radiator hose.
5. Remove lower fan attaching bolts, then disconnect electrical connectors and remove clips from fan.
6. Lower vehicle, then disconnect upper radiator hose.
7. Remove upper shroud and fan assembly.
8. Disconnect transmission oil cooler lines, if equipped, then remove radiator.
9. Remove serpentine drive belt.
10. Disconnect throttle linkage and cruise control cable, if equipped.
11. Remove plenum extension attaching screws and plenum extension, if equipped.
12. Disconnect and tag spark plug leads and wiring at distributor, then remove distributor.
13. Remove ignition coil, if equipped with external coil.
14. Disconnect all electrical wiring and vacuum hoses which would interfere with engine removal.
15. On 5.0L/V8-305 VIN F and 5.7L/V8-350 engines, relieve fuel system pressure as described under MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE/RELIEVING FUEL SYSTEM PRESSURE.
16. On all models, disconnect fuel hoses at fuel lines.
17. Remove power steering pump pulley, then remove power steering pump.
18. Discharge A/C refrigerant system, then remove A/C compressor.
19. Disconnect battery ground cable from engine block.
20. Disconnect AIR hoses and pipe.
21. Raise and support vehicle, then disconnect crossover pipe from exhaust manifolds.
22. On models with automatic transmission, remove torque converter housing cover, then remove torque converter to flywheel attaching bolts. Also detach oil cooler lines at oil pan.
23. On all models, remove starter motor.
24. Remove engine mount bolts.
25. Support transmission using a transmission jack or other suitable fixture, then remove transmission crossmember bolts.
26. Lower transmission, then remove bellhousing to engine attaching bolts.
27. Raise transmission and install and tighten two transmission crossmember mounting bolts.
28. Remove transmission support device and lower vehicle.
29. Attach suitable a suitable engine lifting device to engine.
30. Position suitable support under transmission.
31. Disconnect ground wires and remove catalytic converter support bracket from rear of cylinder head.
32. Reverse engine from vehicle. Prior to removing engine, ensure all electrical wiring and hoses which would interfere with engine removal are disconnected.
33. Reverse procedure to install.