Timing Belt: Service and Repair
Timing Belt & Components:
Fig. 9 Timing Belt Tensioner Positions:
Fig. 10 Water Pump Eccentric Adjusting Tool Modification:
^ J-33039-A, Cam drive belt tension adjustment wrench.
NOTE: O.E. manuals do NOT provide images of the timing marks, however, the alignment marks are located on the camshaft and crankshaft gears and the rear timing belt cover.
1. Battery ground cable, then remove the A/C belt (if equipped) and the serpentine drive belt.
2. Power steering pump, bracket and serpentine drive belt tensioner as an assembly.
3. Timing belt cover attaching bolts and the cover.
4. Loosen water pump attaching bolts, then using J-33039-A on the water pump eccentric, release the belt tension.
5. Raise vehicle.
6. Crankshaft pulley.
7. Lower vehicle and remove timing belt.
1. Turn crankshaft and camshaft gears clockwise to align timing marks on timing belt rear cover.
2. Timing belt.
3. Using J-33039-A rotate water pump eccentric clockwise until tensioner contacts high torque stop, then tighten water pump attaching bolts slightly.
4. Rotate the engine by the crankshaft gear bolt 720° clockwise to seat timing belt on sprockets.
5. With engine at room temperature, rotate water pump eccentric with J-33039-A counterclockwise until hole in tensioner arm is inline with hole in base.
6. Tighten water pump attaching bolts to 25 Nm (18 ft lbs) and ensure tensioner holes remain aligned.
7. Crankshaft pulley, then timing belt cover.
8. Power steering pump, bracket and serpentine drive belt tensioner.
9. Serpentine and A/C (if equipped) drive belts.
10 Battery ground cable.