To Remove Customer's Code
B. TO REMOVE CUSTOMER'S CODE-Deactivate Theft Deterrent From Unlocked Mode, Deterrent Activated.1. With the radio off, hold in presets 1 and 4 for about 4 seconds until the display changes to "SEC". "SEC".
IMPORTANT: If the display changes to the theft deterrent is already deactivated.
2. Press the set button "000"
3. Set the first digit (0-9) of your code with the seek biitton. "100"
4. Set the next two digits (0-99) of your code with the scan button. "123"
5. Press the AM-FM button to enter the first three digits. "000"
6. Again, use seek to set the 4th digit (0-9) of your code. "400"
7. Set the last two digits (0-99) of your code with the scan button. "456"
8. Press the AM-FM button to enter the last
3 digits of your code. "1:00"
Theft deterrent is deactivated and then "- - -"
clock is displayed. "1:00"