Capacity Specifications
Cooling Capacity ( With or W /out A/C ) 12.5 qtsRadiator Cap Relief Pressure, PSI 15
Thermostat Opening Temperature 195°
Fuel Tank Gallons 16.5
Engine Oil Refill Quarts [3] 4
Manual Transaxle Pints 4.2
Automatic Transaxle Quarts [2] [6]
[2] Capacity approximate. Make final check with dipstick and add fluid as necessary.
[3] Additional oil may be required to bring oil level to full mark when changing oil filter.
[6] THM 3T40 transaxle, drain and refill, 7 qts.; total capacity, 9 qts. THM 4T60, drain and refill, 6 qts.; total capacity, 8 qts.