Parts Information
Each involved dealer will be preshipped 1 CASE (contains FOUR 30cc/.875 oz. tubes) of lubricant during the week of February 13, 1995. Preshipped parts will be charged to the dealer's open account. Additional required parts to complete this campaign are to be obtained from General Motors Service Parts Operations (GMSPO). To ensure these parts will be obtained as soon as possible, they should be ordered from GMSPO on a "C.I.O." order with no special instruction code, but on an advise code (2).Description Part Number Quantity/Vehicle
Lubricant, Shoulder Belt Guide Track 12346288 10 cc/.29 oz.
(30 cc/.875 oz.) Tube of Nye Grease *- (1/3 of a tube)
Shipped four tubes per case**
* We believe this source and their equipment to be reliable. There may be additional manufacturers of such equipment. General Motors does not endorse, indicate any preference for or assume any responsibility for the products or equipment from these firms or for any such items which may be available from other sources.
** Each case of lubricant will do three (3) vehicles, one tube to lubricate vehicles (1/3 tube per vehicle) and one (1) tube should be given to each owner of the vehicles.