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DOT-E 8214 (Thirteenth Revision)

1. Morton international Inc., Ogden, Utah, is hereby granted an exemption from certain provisions of this Department's Hazardous Materials Regulations to offer packages prescribed herein of air bag inflators and modules for transportation in commerce subject to the limitations and special requirements specified herein. This exemption authorizes the transportation of inflators and modules for passive restraint systems as Flammable solids, n.o.s., and provides no relief from any regulation other than as specifically stated. Each of the following is hereby granted the status of a party to this exemption:

2. BASIS. This exemption is based on Morton International Inc., formerly Morton Thiokol's application dated February 28, 1990, submitted in accordance with 49 CFR 107.105 and the public proceeding thereon and supplemental letter dated February 22, 1991 and May 9 and 10, 1991 and December 16, 1991. The granting of party status is based on the following applications submitted in accordance with 107.111 and 107.105 and the public proceeding thereon:

3. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (Descriptor and class). Inflators and modules for passive restraint systems classed as flammable solid containing one or more of the following:

a. Not more than 750 grams of a propellant identified as DL-Z113, DL-Z113A, DL-Z126A (wafer) (EX-9103139A) or DLZ126B (EX-9105249).

b. Not more than 25 grams of an ignition composition identified as UIX 171, UIX 172, 2A Borony and UIX-8; or not more than 55 grams of UIX-180.

c. A length of ignition fuse identified as Hiveliet No. 817892-1.

d. No more than two electric squibs.

e. A mechanical sensor approved under EX-8411019.

f. Not more than one gram of Du Pont IMR 3031 smokeless powder.

Modules may be installed in the steering wheel center piece.

4. PROPER SHTPPING NAME (49 CFR 172.101). Flammable solid, n.o.s.

5. REGULATION AFFECTED. 49 CFR 171.11 (See paragraph 8.d.) 173.153, 173.154, 175.3.

6. MODES OF TRANSPORTATION AUTHORIZED, Motor vehicle, rail freight, cargo aircraft only and cargo vessel.

7. SAFETY CONTROL MEASURES. Packaging prescribed is:

a. Inflators must be packaged in fiberboard boxes complying with DOT Specification 12B series or as described in Morton International (formerly Morton Thiokol) drawings SK 93115, SK 93116, SK 93225, UT11008 and UT11976 on file with the office of Hazardous Materials Exemptions and Approvals (OHMEA).

b. Modules must be packaged in fiberboard boxes complying with DOT Specification 12B series, and cushioned so as to prevent any movement which would cause the package to be unsafe; or the modules must be packed in packagings described in Drawings SK91297 (10-17-78), SK91296 (10-17-78); Drawings UT10097 (3/27/87 and 4/7/87), UT10785 (9/27/88) and UT11157 (5/2/89); G. Lutz Company's Drawings MB-1 and MB-2; Chrysler's Drawing CCO0090 or SAMH-1317; Morton Bendix, Inc.'s drawing E5054100-00; TG (USA) Corps drawing TG101, or Morton International's drawing UT12230, on file with OHMEA.


a. Persons who receive packages covered by this exemption may reoffer them for transportation provided no modification or changes are made to the packages, all terms of this exemption are complied with, and a current copy of this exemption is maintained at each facility from which such reoffering occurs.

b. A copy of this exemption must be carried aboard each cargo vessel used to transport packages covered by this exemption.

c. In accordance with the provisions of 49 CFR Part 107, Appendix B to Subpart B, Paragraph 3, the shipper shall furnish a copy of this exemption to the air carrier before or at the time the shipment is tendered. In addition, a copy of this exemption must be carried aboard each aircraft used to transport packages covered by this exemption.

d. An inflator or a module, identified in paragraph 3 above, is exempt from the requirements of 49 CFR Parts 100-199 when installed in a motor vehicle. All other packages shipped Under the terms of this exemption must bear FLAMMABLE SOLID labels regardless of net weight of the flammable solid in each inside package.

e. Domestic shipments via air may be made per the requirements of 49 CFR 171.11. This also constitutes an exemption under Part 1; 1.1 of the ICAO Technical Instructions to authorize the domestic transportation of inflators and modules for passenger vehicle restraint systems on cargo aircraft using the following proper shipping name, hazard class, and UN number," Flammable solid, n.o.s., 4.1, and UN 1325". The inflators and modules must be packaged in accordance with the provisions of the Safety Control Measures prescribed in paragraph 7 of this exemption.

f. The "FLIGHTS OF CARGO-AIRCRAFT ONLY" requirements of Appendix B to 49 CFR Part 107 do not apply to operations subject to this exemption.

g. This exemption does not grant authority to use foreign airspace or airports outside the United States.

9. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: Any incident involving loss of packaging contents or packaging failure must be reported to the Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety as soon as practicable. (49 CFR 171.15 and 171.16 apply to any activity, undertaken under the authority of the exemption.)

10. EXPIRATION DATE. June 30, 1992.

Issued at Washington, D.C.

Alan I. Roberts JAN. 9, 1992
Associate Administrator
for Hazardous Materials Safety

Address all inquiries to: Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety, Research and Special Programs Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C. 20590.
Attention: Exemptions Branch.



In accordance with 49 CFR 107.105 of the Department of Transportation (DOT) Hazardous Materials Regulations DOT-E 8214 is hereby extended for the party(ies) listed below by changing the expiration date in paragraph 10 to January 11, 1994. This change is effective from the issue date of this extension. All other terms of the exemption remain unchanged.

This extension applies only to party(ies) listed below based on the application(s) received in accordance with 49 CFR 107.105. This extension constitutes a necessary part of this exemption and must be attached to it.

Alan I. Roberts May 28, 1992
Associate Administrator
for Hazardous Material Safety



Allied-Signal, Inc. December 2, 1991
Knoxville, TN

Saab Cars USA, Inc. January 10, 1992
Orange, CT

Isuzu Motors America, Inc. April 7, 1992
Whittier, CA

Morton Bendix, Inc. April 7, 1992
Maryville, TN

Mercedes-Benz of North America, Inc. April 8, 1992
Montvale, NJ