Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Part 1

Part 1

1. Remove case connector and O-ring, clean case with suitable solvent and blow dry with compressed air. Do not wipe case dry with cloth or paper shop towels.

2. Inspect transaxle case and repair or replace case if any of the following defects are evident:

a. Damaged lugs.

b. Damaged or excessively worn snap ring grooves.

c. Blocked, damaged or interconnected oil passages.

d. Scored or damaged servo bores.

e. Stripped threads in bolt holes.

3. Inspect 1-2 band stop, if equipped, and replace if it is damaged or if it does not protrude 9/16 inch through case.

4. Inspect vent assembly and filter seal and replace as needed.

5. Remove driveshaft and converter

seals using suitable tool.

6. Inspect driveshaft bushings for wear and damage, and replace as needed.

7. Install new driveshaft seals using suitable drivers, then lubricate seal lips.

8. Inspect drive sprocket support bearing and replace, if necessary, as shown. Install new roller bearing assembly with identification mark facing up.

9. Inspect drive sprocket support for the following defects:

a. Spline, journal and bushing damage.

b. Blocked converter drain down holes.

10. If necessary, replace drive sprocket support as follows:

a. Remove drive sprocket support attaching screws, then the drive sprocket support.

b. Install new drive sprocket support, then insert attaching screws and
torque to specifications.

c. Install converter seal using tool No. J-28540 or equivalent.

11. If necessary to replace seal and ball capsule, proceed as follows:

a. Remove seal using a suitable tool.

b. Flatten the check ball and spring retaining dimples.

c. Remove check ball and spring using a suitable magnet, then the capsule from case using a suitable tool.

d. Install new capsule into case using a suitable tool, ensuring slot is positioned to open in servo bore.

e. Install new seal into case.

12. Install servo pipes into case.

13. Remove internal gear, then the internal gear thrust bearing.

14. Remove parking gear, then the sun gear.

15. Inspect final drive pinions for damage, then measure drive pinion endplay using a feeler gauge. Endplay should be 0.009-0.025 inch. If necessary, replace washers 806 and 807 to obtain proper clearance as follows:

a. Using a screwdriver, remove spiral snap ring.

b. Ensure care is taken when removing pinion gear shaft (712) from pinion gear so needle bearings do not get lost. Place a mark on the gear for reference during assembly.

c. Tilt final drive, then remove pinion gear (711), washers (707, 708 and 710) and needle bearings. Needle bearings will fall out of pinion gear, use the bottom pan to catch bearings.

d. Inspect washers, needle bearings and pinion shaft for wear. Discard bronze washer (707) and replace with steel washer (708).

e. Clean pinion gear, then apply Transjel assembly lubricant, Part No. J36850 or petroleum jelly to the inside of gear.

f. Install square cut washer (710) on pinion gear shaft (712). Insert shaft and washer into gear so washer is flush with gear and shaft is 3/4 inside gear. Square cut washer should be between two rows of needle bearings.

g. Install needle bearings one at a time into gear, 44 in each pinion for 3.06 and 3.33 ratios and 36 in each pinion for 2.84 ratio. Occasionally twist pinion shaft, so needle bearings will line up.

h. Install two washers (708) into final drive assembly.

i. Install remaining two washers (708) on top of pinion gear. Do not install more than four washers on each pinion (two on each side) into final drive.

j. Insert pinion gear and washers in their original position, into final drive.

k. Install pinion gear shaft (712), ensuring care is taken not to dislodge needle bearings, then install snap ring.

16. Inspect internal gear for damaged teeth, bearing surfaces or broken parking pawl and spring.
17. Inspect sun gear for damaged teeth, then the parking gear for damaged lugs or spline.

18. Inspect thrust bearings for damage, then the governor drive gear.

19. Inspect differential side gear pinions and side gears for damage.

20. If necessary to replace differential pinion, proceed as follows:

a. Remove retaining pin using a suitable drift, then the pinion shaft.

b. Remove pinions, side gears and washers.

c. Inspect washers and carrier for damage, and replace as necessary.

d. Install side gears and washers into carrier, then the thrust washers onto pin ions and retain with petrolatum.

e. Install pinions and washers into carrier, then align pinions by inserting pinion shaft through both pin- ions. Remove pinion shaft.

f. Rotate pinions into position, then install pinion shaft.

g. Tap retaining pin into position.

21. Install sun gear assembly with stepped face facing outward, then assembly parking gear onto sun gear.

22. Install thrust bearing onto internal gear, then the internal gear onto carrier.

23. Inspect thrust washer for damage, then the thrust bearing.

24. Install thrust bearing into case and selective washer on carrier hub, using petrolatum to hold components.

25. Install final drive assembly into case using J-33381 or equivalent, and use pin to hold parking pawl in position. Move detent lever out of park position after installation.

26. Secure final drive assembly in case with snap ring.

27. Measure final drive endplay as follows:

a. Install dial indicator, support and adapter as shown, ensuring indicator stem is in contact with adapter J-26958.

b. Raise governor drive gear as shown and read endplay from indicator.

c. If endplay is not 0.005-0.025 inch, refer to chart and replace selective washer to obtain specified clearance.

28. Remove indicator, support and adapter, then install output shaft aligning and loading tools J-26958 and J-26958-10 along with adapter J-38385 or equivalents.

29. Inspect final drive sun gear for damaged splines and journals and replace as necessary, then install sun gear shaft into final drive, ensuring splines engage parking gear and sun gear.

30. Inspect 1-2 band assembly for lining separation, cracks and heat damage. The 1-2 band assembly is presoaked in a friction type solution and cleaning in solvent should be avoided.

31. Install 1-2 band assembly into case, ensuring band anchor pins are engaged with band and positioned under band stop.

32. Inspect reaction sun gear and drum assembly for damaged teeth, bushing or scored or warped drum.

33. Inspect thrust bearings for damage and replace as necessary.

34. Inspect reaction carrier assembly for proper pinion endplay. Endplay should be 0.009-0.024 inch. Check for internal gear damage and pinion damage.

35. Position inside race of thrust bearing against final drive internal gear, then install react{on sun gear and drum assembly into case.

36. Position inside race of thrust bearing against reaction carrier and retain with petrolatum, then install reaction carrier by rotating it until pinions engage with sun gear.

37. Inspect input carrier and internal thrust bearing. If pinion endplay is not 0.009 - 0.024 inch, or if pinions or thrust bearing are damaged, carrier must be replaced.

38. Install thrust bearing with inside race against carrier and retain with petrolatum, then install carrier into case and rotate into position.

39. Inspect reverse reaction drum for damaged teeth and/or distortion and repair as necessary.

40. Install reverse reaction drum ensuring splined teeth engage input carrier.

41. Remove 3rd roller clutch and input sprag from input sun gear, then the input sun gear spacer and retainer from sun gear.

42. Remove third roller clutch outer race and cam from roller assembly.

43. Inspect outer race for scoring, wear and damage, then the roller cam for damage and cracks.

44. Inspect roller assembly for damaged rollers and springs, then insert any loose rollers by depressing spring and installing roller.

45. Install roller cam into roller cage assembly, then rotate cage until rollers are at lowest ramp position.

46. Install outer race over cage and cam assembly.

47. Remove inner race from sprag assembly, then the retaining ring using a suitable tool.

48. Remove wear plate, then the sprag assembly and wear plate.

49. Inspect outer race for damage, then the sprag assembly for damaged sprags and cages.

50. Inspect inner race for damage, then the wear plates for scoring or damage.

51. Place one wear plate against snap ring, then the sprag assembly against wear plate with cross bar notches positioned as shown.

52. Install wear plate, then the snap ring.

53. Inspect input sun gear splines and bushings for damage.

54. Position spacer onto sun gear with stepped side toward gear, then install sprag retainer.

55. Install sprag assembly and roller clutch assembly onto sun gear, then ensure proper operation as shown.

56. Remove input clutch assembly thrust washer, then the snap ring.

57. Remove input clutch backing plate, then the steel and composition plates.

58. Remove input clutch apply plate, then the snap ring.

59. Remove 3rd clutch backing plate, then the steel and composition clutch plates.

60. Inspect clutch backing plate for cracks and/or damage, then the steel and composition clutch plates for wear, lining separation, pitting or damage.

61. Inspect input clutch apply plate, 3rd clutch backing plate, 3rd clutch steel and composition plates, then the thrust washer for damage.

62. Compress spring retainer using tool No. J-23327 and J-25018-A or equivalent, then remove snap ring and spring retainer.

63. Remove 3rd clutch piston from housing, then the 3rd clutch piston inner seal from shaft.

64. Compress 3rd clutch piston housing, then remove snap ring.

65. Remove O-ring seal, then the spring retainer.

66. Remove input clutch piston, then the input clutch inner seal.

67. Inspect clutch housing and shaft for interconnected oil passages, damaged clutch hub, damaged or worn bushings, damaged 4th clutch shaft seal and damaged or cut oil seals.

68. Remove lockup sleeve, using tool Nos. J-29369-2 and J-23907, ensuring to expand tool just enough to contact lockup sleeve, then remove oil seal.
69. Install new oil seal into input shaft, aligning seal tab with slot in shaft.

70. Install lockup sleeve into shaft, using tool No. J-25019-6 and a suitable press.

71. Remove solid seal rings from input shaft using a suitable cutting tool, then inspect seal ring grooves for nicks or burrs.

72. Install new input shaft seals as follows:

a. Adjust tool No. J-34741-1 so that bottom of seal protector matches correct seal groove.

b. Apply a suitable lubricant to new oil seal, then position on tool J-34741-1.

c. Slide seal into position with J-34741-2 over seal protector.

d. Size seal with tool No. J-34741-3, then work tool over seal with a twisting motion. Size each new seal during installation.

73. Inspect retainer and ball assembly. If necessary to replace retainer and ball assembly, proceed as follows:

a. Drive retainer and ball assembly from housing using a suitable drift.

b. Tap new retainer into housing using a suitable drift.

74. Inspect input clutch piston and seal for cracks and rolled or cut seal, then the input clutch spring retainer for distorted or damaged springs.

75. Inspect 3rd clutch piston housing for damage then the 3rd clutch spring retainer for damage and distorted springs.

76. Inspect 3rd clutch piston springs and seal for damage or cracks, then the 3rd clutch piston check ball assembly.

77. Remove seals from piston.

78. Apply a suitable lubricant to new seal, then install onto pistons.

79. Apply a suitable lubricant to input clutch piston inner seal, then install it using tool No. J-234092.

80. Install input piston into housing, then the O-ring onto input shaft.

81. Install spring retainer into piston, then the 3rd clutch piston housing into input housing.

82. Compress third clutch housing using tool No. J-23327, then install snap ring.

83. Install 3rd clutch inner seal, then the 3rd clutch piston into housing.

84. Install 3rd clutch spring retainer by compressing with tool No. J-23327 or equivalent, then installing snap ring.

85. Install 3rd clutch plates alternately, beginning with steel plate.

86. Install 3rd clutch backing plate with stepped side facing up, then secure with snap ring.

87. Install input clutch plates alternately, starting with composition plate.

88. Install input clutch backing plate with identification mark facing upward, then insert snap ring.

89. Ensure proper operation of input clutch assembly by applying approximately 90 psi of air pressure to air passages marked C and D and check for proper clutch apply.

90. Remove 2nd clutch support from 2nd clutch assembly, then the 2nd clutch backing snap ring.

91. Remove clutch plates, then the waved plate.

92. Remove 2nd clutch hub snap ring, then the apply ring and spring return.

93. Remove 2nd clutch apply piston.

94. Inspect backing plate for damage, then the steel and composition plates for wear, lining separation, pitting and/or damage. The 2nd clutch composition plates are presoaked in a friction type solution and cleaning in solvent should be avoided.

95. Inspect apply ring and spring return for damaged or distorted springs or apply ring damage.

96. Inspect piston for damage, then the seal for rolled edges or damage.

97. If necessary to replace piston seal, remove old seal from piston, then apply a suitable lubricant to new seal and install with seal lip facing 2nd clutch housing.

98. Inspect 2nd clutch housing for inner piston seal damage, and replace as necessary.

99. Check for damaged bushings, and spline teeth.

100. Inspect bands for scored surfaces, then the retainer and ball assembly for damage.