Oil Pump: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect battery ground cable and drain engine oil.
2. Remove crankshaft sprocket as outlined under CRANKSHAFT SPROCKET.
3. Remove timing belt rear cover as outlined under TIMING BELT REAR COVER.
4. Disconnect engine oil pressure switch electrical connector from the switch.
5. Remove oil pan and oil filter.
6. Remove pickup tube to engine block bolts, pickup tube and oil pump.
Fig. 14 Disassembled View Of Oil Pump:
1. Remove five screws and rear cover from oil pump, Fig. 14.
2. Remove gears, plug, pressure regulator valve plunger and spring.
3. If necessary, remove pickup tube and O-ring from oil pump body.
Fig. 15 Checking Drive Gear To Oil Pump Housing Clearance:
After disassembling the oil pump, thoroughly clean all oil pump components and check them for excessive wear and damage.
1. Using a suitable straight edge and feeler gauge, Fig. 15, check oil pump clearances.
2. Check clearances for the following oil pump components:
a. Clearance between idler gear and oil pump body should be .004-.007 inch.
b. Clearance between drive gear and oil pump body should be .014-.018 inch.
c. End clearance should be .001-.004 inch.
3. If clearances obtained are not within specified limits, replace worn or damaged oil pump components.
1. Install valve plunger and spring.
2. Using a suitable sealer, coat threads of pressure regulator valve plunger plug and install. Torque plug and attaching bolts to specifications.
3. Install oil pump gears into oil pump body.
1. Install gasket and oil pump onto engine. Torque oil pump bolts specifications.
2. Install pickup tube and bolts. Refer to OIL PUMP SCREEN & PICKUP TUBE for torque specifications.
3. Install oil pan and oil filter.
4. Connect engine oil pressure switch electrical connector to switch.
5. Install timing belt rear covers and crankshaft sprocket.