Steering: Service Precautions
Automatic transmission fluid should not be used in these power steering systems. ATF is not compatible with the seals and hoses used in this system and will eventually cause damage. Also, power steering fluid must withstand very high pressure (about 1400 psi), whereas transmission fluid does not have the need to operate at these pressures. If ATF has been added to a power steering system as in an emergency situation, the system should be drained, flushed and refilled with power steering fluid as soon as possible to avoid damage.When servicing collapsible steering columns, care should be exercised since they are extremely susceptible to damage. Dropping of or leaning on column or striking sharp blows on end of steering shaft or shift levers could loosen or shear plastic fasteners which maintain column rigidity.
It is important that only the specified screws, bolts and nuts be used during the mandatory reassembly sequence and torqued to specifications to insure proper breakaway action of column under impact. Avoid using excessively long bolts as they may prevent a portion of the steering column from collapsing under impact.
When removing or installing, steering wheel, ignition switch or lock, turn signal switch, adjusting transmission linkage, or installing and adjusting neutral-start or back-up light switch, refer to appropriate car chapter.
If a shift tube shows a sheared plastic injection, a new shift tube must be installed. If a steering shaft shows a sheared plastic, but it is not bent, it can be repaired by using a Service Steering Shaft Repair Kit part number 7810077. The kit contains instructions and dimensions for all steering columns. On some models, the attaching brackets will shear under impact and must also be replaced.