Engine Lubrication: Description and Operation
Engine Lubricaton ( 1 Of 4 ):
Engine Lubrication ( 2 Of 4 ):
Engine Lubrication ( 3 Of 4 ):
Engine Lubrication ( 4 Of 4 ):
Oil pump
Full pressure lubrication, through a full flow oil filter is furnished by a rear type oil pump. Oil is drawn up through the pickup screen and tube, and passed through the pump to the oil filter.
Oil filter
The oil filter is a full flow paper element unit. An oil filter bypass is used to ensure adequate oil supply, should the filter become plugged or develop excessive pressure drop. The bypass is designed to open at 69-83 kPa (10-12 psi).
Main oil gallery
From the filter, oil is routed to the main oil gallery, which is rifle-drilled above the camshaft to the left of the camshaft centerline. This gallery supplies the left bank hydraulic lifters with oil.
Camshaft bearings and right oil gallery
From the left oil gallery, oil is directed by means of intersecting passages to the camshaft bearings and right oil gallery.
Hydraulic lifters and camshaft lobes
The hydraulic lifters pump oil up through the pushrods to the rocker arms. Oil draining back from the rocker arms is directed by cast dams in the crankcase casting to supply the camshaft lobes. Oil also drains past specific hydraulic lifter flats to oil camshaft lobes directly.
Crankshaft and connecting rod bearings
The passages supplying oil to the camshaft bearings also supply oil to the crankshaft main bearings through intersecting vertical drilled holes. Oil from the crankshaft main bearings is supplied to the connecting rod bearings by means of intersecting passages drilled in the crankshaft.
Cam sprocket thrust face
The front cam bearing has a 0.25 mm (0.010 inch) deep slot on its outside diameter to supply oil to the cam sprocket thrust face.