Text Description of Ground Locations
Ground Number LocationG100 Rear of Engine Compartment, right of Starter Solenoid
G100 Rear of Engine Compartment, right of Starter Solenoid
G101 LH front of Engine Compartment, beside Battery
G102 Engine Harness, center rear of Engine Compartment
G103 On Radiator Support, behind LH Headlights
G104 On Radiator Support, behind RH Headlights
G109 LH front of Dash, behind Brake Booster
G111 LH rear of Engine, on Transaxle Stud
G112 LH side of Engine, near Coolant Outlet
G114 LH rear of Engine Compartment, behind LH Shock Tower
G200 Behind I/P on RH side of Steering Column Bracket
G201 On I/P Bracket, above Steering Column
G201 On I/P Bracket, above Steering Column
G314 Center of RH rear Quarter Pillar
G321 Below LH Front Seat