Exhaust System: Specifications
Component Torque/Ft. Lbs.Camshaft Carrier [01]
Camshaft Carrier Cover 6
Camshaft Rear Thrust Plate 6
Camshaft Sprocket 33
Connecting Rod Cap 26 [02]
Crankshaft Pulley To Sprocket 13
Crankshaft Sprocket 114
Cylinder Head [01]
Engine Mounts [06]
Exhaust Manifold Attaching Nuts 16
Exhaust Pipe To Manifold 19
Flexplate, Auto. Trans. 48
Flywheel, Manual Trans. 48 [04]
Fuel Tank Strap Bolt (Front) 25
Fuel Tank Strap Nut (Rear) 9
Heater Pipe To Intake 18
Intake Manifold 15-20
Main Bearing Caps 44 [03]
Oil Pan Bolts 44 [05]
Oil Pan Drain Plug 34
Oil Pump 5
Oil Pump Cover 6
Oil Pump Drive 15-22
Oil Pump Pressure Regulating Valve 22
Oil Pump Suction Tube Bolts 6
Pressure Plate To Flywheel 18
Serpentine Drive Belt Tensioner 35
Spark Plug 15
Suspension Support (Front) 65
Thermostat Housing 20
Throttle Body Injector Assembly 16
Timing Belt Front Cover 7
Timing Belt Rear Cover 7
Timing Belt Tensioner 18
Transaxle Mount Bolt 22
Transaxle Strut To Body Bolt (Front) 40
Transaxle Strut To Body Bolt (Rear) 23
Transaxle Strut To Transaxle (Front) 50
Transaxle To Engine 55
Water Inlet 15-22
Water Outlet To Cam Carrier 11
Water Pump 18
[01] -- Refer to Cylinder Head Assembly, Replace for tightening sequence and procedure.
[02] -- Plus an additional 40 - 45°.
[03] -- Plus an additional 40 - 50°.
[04] -- Plus an additional 30°.
[05] -- Inch lbs.
[06] -- Refer to Engine Mount, under Drivebelts, Mounts, Brackets and Accessories for tightening specifications.