Text Description
I/P Fuse Block LH side of I/P Carrier, on the side
A/C Clutch Diode Sealed in Harn, approx 12 cm from Generator breakout
A/C Compressor Clutch RH side of Engine, below Generator
A/C Evaporator Temperature Sensor Mounted in Evaporator Core
A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Above RH Shock Tower, forward of A/C Compressor Low Pressure Cut-off Switch
ABS Brake Pressure Valve Solenoid, LH Part of Hydraulic Modulator Assembly
ABS Brake Pressure Valve Solenoid, RH Part of Hydraulic Modulator Assembly
Ambient Light Sensor Mounted in top of I/P, near Defrost Grill
Amplifier (part of UW2 Speaker Option) Mounted behind Right Rear Armrest, on Rail
Arming Sensor, Dual Pole Mounted to Floor Tunnel Bracket, under console
Ashtray Lamp (Auto Trans) Lighting Tube from PRNDL lamp
Ashtray Lamp (Manual Trans) Rearward of shifter, in ashtray
Automatic Transmission Conn RH center of Transmission
Backup Lamp, LH Mounted in Taillamp Assembly
Backup Lamp, RH Mounted in Taillamp Assembly
Backup Light Switch (MM6) Middle of Transmission, right side
Battery RH front of Engine Compartment
Battery Junction Block Top of RH Shock Tower
Blower Motor Under lower RH side of I/P, mounted in HVAC Module
Blower Resistor In HVAC Module, forward and left of Temperature Control
Blower Switch Part of HVAC Control Assembly
Bose Relay Below center A/C Duct, mounted to SIR Bracket
Brake Combo Valve (ABS) Part of Hydraulic Modulator Assembly, inward side
Brake Switch Assembly Mounted in lower hole of brake pedal bracket (2 Conn. with Automatic). (1 coon with Manual) same switch for both
Brake Transmission Shift Interlock (BTSI) Solenoid In console, under PRNDL Display
Cable Attachment
Camshaft Position Sensor In front top of Engine Block, between Intake and Water Pomp
Center High Mounted Stop Light (CHMSL) Rear center of Spoiler
Cigar Lighter Mounted on front of console
Cigar Lighter Mounted on front of console Clutch Anticipate/Cruise
Clutch Anticipate/Cruise Release Switch (all V6 Manual) Mounted in clutch pedal bracket (4 cavity Conn.)
Clutch Start Switch Mounted to clutch pedal bracket, behind Convenience Center
Console Compartment Lamp Under Console Compartment Door
Convenience Center Left of Steering Column, mounted to bottom of I/P Carrier
Coolant Fans Behind radiator
Coolant Level Latching Module In molded pocket of dash mat, center above floor tunnel
Courtesy Lamp, Left Rear Mounted in left sail panel
Courtesy Lamp, Right Rear Mounted in right sail panel
Crankshaft Position Sensor, HI Resolution Lower front of Engine Block, pigtail comes out LH side of crank
Crankshaft Position Sensor, LO Resolution Lower RH side of Engine Block, has no pigtail
Cruise Control Module Front LH side of vehicle, mounted to frame rail, forward of wheelhouse
Cruise Release/Brake Switch (all with K34) Mounted in upper hole of brake pedal bracket (2 cavity Conn.)
Cruise Release/Clutch Switch (V8 Manual with K34) Mounted in clutch pedal bracket (2 cavity Conn.)
Data Link Conn (DLC) Mounted to I/P Tie Bar, below and right of Steering Column
Daytime Running Lights (DRL) Module Mounted behind Radio and HVAC Controls, left of I/P Module Compartment
Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module (DERM) Snapped in bracket, behind RH side of I/P Compartment
Discriminating Sensor, Forward Mounted to center of front end Tie Bar, near hood latch
Discriminating Sensor,Passenger Compartment Mounted to upper dash, just right of Steering Column Support Bracket
Dome Lamp On roof, near hatch
Door Illumination lamp, LH Behind door trim panel
Door Illumination lamp, RH Behind door trim panel
Door Jamb Switch, LH Near base of LH "A" pillar
Door Jamb Switch, RH Near base of RH "A" pillar
Door Lock Actuator, LH Inside rear of left door
Door Lock Actuator, RH Inside rear of right door
Electronic Brake Control Module (EBCM) Under I/P, next to LH hinge pillar, just above Pass Thru Grommet
Electronic Brake/Traction Control Module (EBTCM) Under I/P, next to LH hinge pillar, just above Pass Thru Grommet
Engine Coolant Heater LH side of Engine Block, near Oil Level Sensor
Engine Coolant Heater Cord Routed from rear of Engine Compartment, strapped to hood release cable, near Underhood Electrical Center
Engine Coolant Level Sensor Mounted on upper right side of radiator
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Mounted in front top of Engine, under plenum
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Front of Engine, mounted in water pump
Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge Sensor Mounted in LH Head, between 1 and 3 Cylinders
Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Canister Purge Solenoid Valve Left side of Engine, mounted to Intake Plenum
Evaporative Emission (EVAP) Canister Purge Solenoid Valve Right center of Engine, mounted to Manifold
Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Vacuum Control Signal Solenoid Valve Right side of Engine, mounted to Manifold
Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Vacuum Control Signal Solenoid Valve Left rear of Engine, mounted to Intake Plenum
Express Down Module Mounted to center of dash mat, above floor tunnel
Fog Lamp, Left Front Lower LH side of front Fascia
Fog Lamp, Right Front Lower RH side of front Fascia
Fog Light Switch Lower LH side of I/P
Forward Lamp to I/P Harn, between LH kick panel and Steering Column C200B (18 cavities)
Fuel Injectors Mounted on Intake Manifold, part of Fuel Rail
Fuel Injectors Mounted on Intake Manifold, part of Fuel Rail
Fuel Pump Prime Conn Top rear of RH Shock Tower, 1 way Conn out of Harn
Fuel Pump Relay Forward of LH kick panel, mounted to foot rest bracket under carpet
Fuel Tank Unit Under rear of vehicle
Fusible Links Above RH Shock Tower
Generator RH front of Engine
Hatch Release Actuator Center of end panel, in Cargo Compartment
Hatch Release Relay Mounted to right side of SIR Bracket, behind I/P
Hatch Release Switch Left of Steering Column, in knee bolster pad
Headlamp Door Motor, LH LH front of vehicle
Headlamp Door Motor, RH RH front of vehicle
Headlight Dimmer Switch Part of Steering Column, activated by Multi-Function Lever.
Headlight Doors Module Forward of LH front wheelhouse, mounted to Air Intake
Headlight Switch LH side of I/P
Heated Oxygen Sensor Bank #1 Mounted in left Exhaust Manifold
Heated Oxygen Sensor Bank #2 Mounted in right Exhaust Manifold
Heater/Vent/Air Conditioning (HVAC) Control Assembly Center of I/P
High Beam Headlamp, Left (CHEVY) Exterior, left front
High Beam Headlamp, Right (CHEVY) Exterior, right front
High Blower Relay Under I/P, above left side of floor tunnel
Horn #1 (A note) RH side, front of vehicle directly below Headlamps
Horn #2 (F note) RH side. front of vehicle directly below Headlamps
Horn Switch In Steering Wheel
Hydraulic Modulator Assembly Front left of Engine Compartment
I/P Compartment Lamp Inside top center of compartment
I/P Dimmer Switch Lower LH side of I/P
I/P Fuse Block LH side of I/P Carrier, on the side
Idle Air Control (IAC) Valve Right front on Throttle Body
Ignition Coil Front LH side of Engine
Ignition Coil Module Front LH side of Engine
Ignition Control Module (ICM) Left front of Engine
Ignition Key Lock Cylinder Top RH side of Steering Column
Ignition Key Warning Switch Part of Steering Column
Ignition Switch Part of Steering column
Inflator Module, Driver Mounted on Steering Wheel
Inflator Module, Passenger Mounted on right side of I/P
Instrument Cluster LH side of I/P
Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor Mounted on Sir duct, in front of Intake Manifold
Isolation Diode (BTSI) Sealed in Harn, approx 6 cm from DERM breakout
Isolation Diode (RAP) Sealed in Harn, approx 9 cm right of Rearview Mirror breakout
Isolation Diode (Wipers) Approx 10 cm from C2 15 breakout in Forward Lamp Harn
Keyless Entry Receiver Behind RH side kick panel, in molded pocket
Knock Sensor In bottom RH side of Engine Block
License Lamp Center of rear Fascia, above license plate
Low Beam Headlamp, Left (CHEVY) Exterior, left front
Low Beam Headlamp, Right (CHEVY) Exterior, right front
Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor Mounted to RH side of Intake Manifold
Marker Lamp, Left Front Exterior, left front
Marker Lamp, Left Rear Exterior, left rear
Marker Lamp, Left Rear Exterior, rear
Marker Lamp, Right Front Exterior, right front
Marker Lamp, Right Rear Exterior, right rear
Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor Mounted on air duct, in front of Intake Manifold
Multi-Function Lever Left Arm on Steering Column
Oil Level Sensor Lower left side of Engine, in oil pan
Oil Pressure Sensor Mounted to top center of Engine block, rear of manifold
Oxygen Sensor, LH Mounted in left Exhaust Manifold
Oxygen Sensor, RH Mounted in right Exhaust Manifold
PRNDL Illumination Lamp (Auto Trans) Under console, left of Shifter
Park Brake Switch In console, at base of Park Brake Lever
Park/Turn Lamp, Left Front Exterior, left front
Park/Turn Lamp, Right Front Exterior, right front
Performance Switch Mounted in center console behind shifter
Performance/Traction Control Switch Mounted in center console behind shifter
Power Door Lock Switch, RH Mounted in right door armest
Power Mirror Switch Mounted in left door armest
Power Seat Control Module (AQ9) Under Driver's Seat
Power Seat Switch (AG1) On left side of Driver's Seat
Power Seat Switch (AG1) On left side of Driver's Seat
Power Seat Switch, Driver (AQ9) On left side of Driver's Seat
Power Seat Switch, Passenger (AQ9) On right tide of Passenger Seat
Power Window Switch, LH Mounted in left door armest
Power Window Switch, RH Mounted in right door armest
Powertrain Control Module (PCM) In Engine Compartment, rearward of RH Shock Tower
Radio Center of I/P Carrier
Rear Compartment Lamp Center of rear compartment below Hatch Release Actuator
Rear Defogger Grid Mounted on rear windshield
Rear Defogger Switch Part of HVAC Assembly
Rear Defogger Switch/Timer Mounted on I/P knee bolster, right of Steering Column
Rear Defogger Switch/Timer (CHEVY) Mounted on I/P knee bolster, right of Steering Column
Rear Defogger Switch/timer Mounted on I/P knee bolster, right of Steering Column
Rear Defogger Timer/Relay Part of HVAC Assembly
Rear Dome Light Switch Center of end panel, in Cargo Compartment
Rearview Mirror Top center of windshield
Release Switch (all V6 Manual) Mounted in clutch pedal bracket (4 cavity Conn.)
Retained Accessory Power (RAP) Module In molded pocket of dash mat, center above floor tunnel
Reverse Lockout Solenoid (Manual) Rear LH side of Transmission
Reverse Lockout Solenoid (V8 VIN P Manual) Rear LH side of Transmission