Text Description of Splice Locations
COMPONENT LOCATIONS119 (L32) Engine Harn, at RH Oxygen Sensor breakout
S160 Forward Lamp Harn, approx 4 cm from Coolant Fan breakout
S420 Hatch Harn, approx 7 cm from P300
S101 Engine Harn, approx 5 cm from injector 4 breakout
S101 (L36) Engine Harn, approx 31 cm frons Injector 6 breakout
S101 (LT1) Engine Harn, approx 5 cm frons Injector 4 breakout
S102 Engine Harn, approx 5 cm from Injector 3 breakout
S102 (L36) Engine Harn, approx 27 cm frons Injector 6 breakout
S102 (LT1) Engine Harn, approx 5 cut from Injector 3 breakout
S103 Injector Jumper Harn, approx 7 cm from LH Branch breakout
S103 (L32) Injector Jumper Harn, approx 7 cm from Injector 1 breakout
S104 Injector Jumper Harn, approx 9 cm from Injector 4
S104 (L32) Injector Jumper Harn, approx 9 cm from Injector 6
S105 (L32) Engine Harn, approx 7 cm from RH Oxygen Sensor breakout
S105 (LT1) Engine Harn, approx 11 cm from main branch and PCM breakout
S106 Engine Harn, approx 4 cm from tanto branch and PCM breakout
S106 Engine Harn, approx 25 cm from PCM Connectors
S106 (L32) Engine Harn, approx 23 cm from PCM Connectors
S106 (LT1) Engine Harn, approx 4 cm from main branch and PCM breakout
S107 Engine Harn, approx 7 cm from main breakout at right rear of Engine
S107 Engine Harn, approx 62 cm from C110 breakout
S107 (L32) Engine Harn, approx 62 cm from C110 breakout
S107 (L32) Engine Harn, approx 7 cm from main breakout, at right rear of Engine
S107 (LT1) Engine Harn, approx 7 cm from main breakout, at right rear of Engine
S108 Engine Harn, approx 17 cm from Injector 3 breakout
S108 Engine Harn, approx 3 cm from braided ground strap
S108 (L32) Engine Harn, approx 3 cm from braided ground strap
S108 (L36) Engine Harn, approx 33 cm from Injector 5 breakout
S108 (LT1) Engine Harn, approx 17 cm from Injector 3 breakout
S109 Engine Harn, approx 4 cm from main branch and PCM breakout
S109 (LT1) Engine Harn, approx 4 cm from main branch and PCM breakout
S109 (LT1) Engine Harn, approx 4 cm from main branch and PCM breakout Sill Forward Lamp Harn, approx 3 cm from Wiper Motor Assembly breakout
S110 Engine Harn, approx 7 cm from RH Oxygen Sensor breakout
S110 (L36) Engine Harn, approx 14 cm from main branch and PCM breakout
S110 (L32) Engine Harn, approx 7 cm from RH Oxygen Sensor breakout
S111 Forward Lamp Harn 3 cm from Wiper Motor Assembly breakout
S112 Forward Lamp Harn, approx 10 cm from G105 breakout
S113 Forward Lamp Harn, approx 13 cm from Electrical Center breakout
S114 (L32) Engine Harn, approx 13 cm from A/C Compressor Clutch Conn
S114 (LT1) Engine Harn, approx 12 cm from Generator breakout
S115 (L32) Engine Harn, approx 10 cm from A/C Compressor Clutch Conn
S115 (L32) (L36) Engine Harn, approx 10 cm (L32) or 36cm (L36) from A/C Compressor Clutch Conn
S115 (LT1) Engine Harn, approx 17 cm from Generator breakout
S117 Engine Harn, approx 5 cm from main branch and PCM breakout
S117 Engine Harn, approx 8 cm from clip near PCM and main branch
S117 (L32) Engine Harn, approx 5 cm from main branch and PCM breakout
S117 (LT1) Engine Harn, approx 8 cm from clip near PCM and main branch
S119 Engine Harn, approx 22 cm from main branch and PCM breakout
S119 Engine Harn, at RH Oxygen Sensor breakout
S119 (L32) Engine Harn, at RH Oxygen Sensor breakout
S119 (L36) Engine Harn approx. 49 cm from main branch and PCM breakout
S119 (LT1) Engine Harn, approx 22 cm from main branch and PCM breakout
S122 Engine Harn, approx 25 cm from main branch and PCM breakout
S122 Engine Harn, approx 4 cm from MAP Sensor breakout
S122 (L32) Engine Harn, approx 4 cm from MAP Sensor breakout
S122 (LT1) Engine Harn, approx 22 cm from main branch and PCM breakout
S125 Engine Harn, approx 3 cm from MAP Sensor breakout
S127 Engine Harn, approx 13 cm from main branch and PCM breakout
S127 Engine Harn, approx 8 cm from left clip, on Intake Manifold
S127 (L32) Engine Harn, approx 13 cm from main branch and PCM breakout
S127 (L36) Engine Harn, approx 29 cm from Injector 5 breakout
S127 (LT1) Engine Harn, approx 8 cm from left clip, on Intake Manifold
S128 (L36) Engine Harn, approx 28 cm from main branch and PCM breakout
S131 Engine Harn, approx 7 cm from main branch and PCM breakout
S131 (L32) Engine Harn, approx 7 cm from main branch and PCM breakout
S132 Engine Harn, approx 2 cm from clip near PCM and main branch
S132 (L36) Engine Harn, approx 21 cm front main brunch and PCM breakout
S132 (LT1) Engine Harn, approx 2 cm from clip near PCM and main branch
S150 Forward Lamp Harn, approx 22 cm forward of Electrical Center breakout, on lighting branch
S151 (CHEVY) Forward Lamp Harn, at Electrical Center breakout
S158 Forward Lamp Harn, approx 7 cm from breakout on horn branch
S160 Forward Lamp Harn, approx 4 cm from Coolant Fan breakout
S163 Forward Lamp Harn, approx 7 cm from Electrical Center breakout
S165 Forward Lamp Harn, approx 7 cm from Electrical Center breakout
S166 Forward Lamp Horn, at Coolant Fan breakout
S167 Forward Lamp Horn, approx 4 cm from Coolant Fan breakout
S175 Forward Lamp Harn, approx 12 cm from Electrical Center breakout
S180 Forward Lamp Harn, approx 16 cm from Electrical Center breakout
S190 Forward Lamp Harn, approx 8 cm from Electrical Center breakout
S19O Forward Lamp Harn, approx 5 cm from Electrical Center breakout
S1OO Cross Car Harn, approx 6 cm from Speaker breakout
S200 Forward Lamp Harn, approx 5 cm from EBCM breakout
S207 I/P Harn, approx 4 cm before DLC breakout
S208 Cross Car Harn, approx 5 cm from Express Down Module breakout
S213 I/P Harn, approx 30 cm before DLC breakout
S214 (CHEVY) I/P Harn. approx 7 cm from G2OO breakout (Coupe) or 10 cm from Instrument Cluster breakout (CONV)
S215 I/P Harn, approx 30 cm before DLC breakout
S216 I/P Harn, approx 5 cm from Convenience Center breakout
S217 I/P Harn, approx 23 cm before DLC breakout
S217 I/P Harn, approx 23 cm before DLC breakout S226 I/P Harn, approx 14 cm from Instrument Cluster breakout
S21S I/P Harn, approx 30 cm before DLC breakout
S220 Cross Car Harn,approx 9 cm from C200 breakout
S221 (Chevy Coupe) I/P Harn, approx 4 cm from G201 breakout
S223 I/P Harn, approx 4 cm before DLC breakout
S223 I/P Harn, approx 7 cm before DLC breakout
S225 I/P Harn, approx 4 cm before DLC breakout
S226 I/P Harn, approx 14 cm from Instrument Cluster breakout
S228 I/P Harn, approx 15 cm from DLC breakout
S234 (Automatic) I/P Harn, approx 4 cm from G201 breakout
S235 I/P Harn, approx 7 cm from G200 breakout
S238 (Automatic) I/P Harn, approx 7 cm from Center Console breakout
S240 I/P Harn, approx 30 cm from Transmission Range Switch breakout
S243 I/P Harn, approx 14 cm from Fuel Pump Relay breakout
S260 Cross Car Harn, approx 13 cm from Rearview Mirror breakout
S262 Cross Car Harn, approx 9 cm from Rearview Mirror breakout
S262 Cross Car Harn, approx 9 cm from Rearview Mirror breakout
S263 Cross Car Harn, approx 20 cm from C200 breakout
S265 Cross Car Harn, approx 20 cm from Rearview Mirror breakout