Aluminum Wheels - Center Caps Loose/Missing
File In Section: 3 - Steering/SuspensionBulletin No.: 53-35-03
Date: January, 1996
Loose or Missing Center Caps on Aluminum Wheels (Install New Center Caps)
1995-96 Chevrolet Cavalier with RPO PG0
1995-96 Pontiac Sunfire with RPO PF7
Built Prior to October 30, 1995
Some of the above vehicles with aluminum wheels may have center caps that may be loose or missing.
Install new center caps on all wheels. This should be done regardless of the condition of the other caps. The old center caps will be gray in color on the back side, the new center caps will be black on the back side.
Service Procedure
1. Remove old center caps carefully to protect aluminum wheels.
2. It will be necessary to thread a screw or insert a screwdriver through the CENTER of the cap to facilitate removal.
3. DO NOT pry against side of aluminum wheel - damage will result.
Parts Information
P/N Division
9593110 Chevrolet
9593111 Pontiac
Parts are expected to be available on January 15, 1996.
Warranty Information
For vehicles repaired under warranty, use:
Labor Operation Labor Time
E0027 Use published labor operation time.