Battery - Testing & Replacement
File In Section: 06 - Engine/Propulsion SystemBulletin No.: 99-06-03-012
Date: December, 1999
Battery Testing and Replacement
1997-2000 Passenger Cars and Trucks
This bulletin is being revised to update model year information, warranty information pertaining to claim submission for Cadillac Roadside Service, terminal/connector leakage and also repair order and warranty claim requirements as they relate to the codes generated by the Midtronics tester. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 83-64-17 (Section 6 - Engine).
The Midtronics Micro 410 Battery Tester should be used prior to any battery replacement for a no-start condition (unless physical damage is found). The tester generates a 7-digit code which must be recorded on the repair order and also in the COMMENTS section of the claim submission. Claims submitted without this information will be subject to review and possibly subsequent debit.
Adhering to published battery testing procedures and subsequent recording on the repair order and claims COMMENTS section, will help ensure our customers receive an enhanced service experience and improve the efficiencies of the battery diagnosis process. The Midtronics Micro 410 Battery Tester, J 42000 uses conductance technology instead of traditional load testing. The tester allows you to test most batteries that are partially discharged without first performing the time consuming charging and load testing procedure. The tester helps quickly identify batteries that are serviceable and can be charged.
Battery testing can be performed in the vehicle at the battery terminals only. Do not test at remote battery terminals. If you cannot access the battery terminals, remove the battery and test the battery out of the vehicle. As with any electrical test, a good connection is very important to battery testing. If the test results indicate a bad battery, or if the results are inconclusive, do the following:
1. Disconnect the battery cables.
2. Clean the battery terminals.
3. Use the terminal adapters & re-test the battery.
Following the above procedure will eliminate battery replacement due to poor battery connections. The Midtronics Micro 410 helps identify and correct battery problems. However, it is not capable of testing the generator, charging system or performing parasitic load tests. Refer to the appropriate Service Manual for the correct tools and test procedures to diagnose other electrical system symptoms.
Battery Test Procedure
Review the following instructions before using the tester.
Batteries produce explosive gases, contain corrosive acid and supply levels of electrical current high enough to cause burns. Therefore, to reduce the risk of personal injury when working near a battery:
^ Always shield your eyes and avoid leaning over the battery whenever possible.
^ Do not expose the battery to open flames or sparks.
^ Do not allow the battery electrolyte to contact the eyes or the skin. Flush immediately and thoroughly any contacted areas with water and get medical help.
Test the battery with the J 42000 Battery Tester, using the following procedure:
^ Inspect the battery for evidence of physical damage. If damage is found, replace the battery. If no damage is found, proceed to the next step.
^ Is the hydrometer eye yellow? If yellow, tap the hydrometer lightly with the handle of a small screwdriver. Did the color change? If no, replace the battery. If yes, continue with the procedure.
^ Inspect for loose battery cables. Attempt to rotate the battery cable end. Properly torqued battery cables will have a break-away torque requirement of 15 N.m (10 lb ft). If the bolt is tight and the end rotates, it may be due to the following conditions:
- The attaching bolt may be too long.
- There may be foreign material lodged in the battery bolt hole.
- The battery cable end may be damaged.
^ Install the J 42000 Battery Tester. Follow the directions supplied with the tester. When testing (with the battery cables still connected to the battery), rock the J 42000 Battery Tester clips back and forth on the terminal bolt to cut through any coating or oxidation that may be present on the bolt.
^ If it is uncertain that correct connections can be made to the battery terminal bolts in the vehicle, perform the following steps:
1. Disconnect the battery cables.
2. Install the test adapters on the terminals.
3. Follow the instructions for testing batteries outside of the vehicle.
^ If a REPLACE BATTERY result is obtained for a battery tested in the vehicle with the battery cables connected, perform the following steps:
1. Disconnect the battery cables.
2. Install the approved adapters.
3. Follow the instructions for testing the battery outside of the vehicle.
4. Replace the battery only if the second test shows a REPLACE BATTERY result.
For warranty purposes, record the test code from the second test.
^ Use the approved terminal adapters. Do not use common bolts or a combination of bolts, nuts and washers as adapters when testing the battery. Use the test adapters that are provided with the J 42000 tester or GM P/N 12303040 terminal adapters. If the adapters that are provided with the J 42000 require replacement, only use adapters with GM P/N 12303040. Any other adapters may not contact the correct areas of the battery terminal, causing resistance that may result in an invalid battery test result.
^ In order to test top terminal, threaded stud batteries outside of the vehicle, use GM P/N 12303040 adapters. Do not connect the tester to the threaded terminals without using the adapters.
Parts Information
Part Number Description
12303040 Terminal Adapter
Parts are currently available from GMSPO.
Warranty Information
Effective immediately, battery failures resulting from terminal/connector leakage are to be claimed using failure code "6J" to better assist engineering with product analysis.
Battery failures, where other than leakage occurs, should continue the use of the tester and reporting of the tester codes on the warranty claim.
Cadillac Roadside Service
Because Cadillac Roadside technicians (during a roadside repair) cannot test batteries, use the following procedure when a battery is replaced on a roadside visit:
Normal published battery testing procedures should be followed after returning to the dealership.
^ The technician should take the battery back to the dealership and perform a Midtronics test.
^ The code should be included in the comment section of the warranty claim when submitted to WINS.
^ If the battery is found to be good, note the code in the comment section of the claim, followed by the verbiage BATTERY GOOD - ROADSIDE REPAIR.