Pressure Bleeding Procedure
^ Tools Required- J 35589 Pressure Bleeding Adapter
1. Remove the master cylinder reservoir cap. Replace it with J 35589.
2. Charge the bleeder to 140 - 172 kPa (20 - 25 psi).
3. Connect the hose to J 35589.
4. Raise and suitably support the vehicle. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.
5. If it is necessary to bleed all of the brake calipers, the following sequence should be used:
5.1. Right rear
5.2. Left rear
5.3. Right front
5.4. Left front
6. Place the proper size box end wrench, or equivalent, over the brake caliper bleed screw. Attach a clear tube over the screw and allow the tube to hang submerged in a clear container partially filled with brake fluid.
7. Open the brake caliper bleed screw at least three quarters of a turn and allow the brake fluid flow to continue until no air is seen in the brake fluid. Apply intermittent pressure to the brake pedal while pressure bleeding.
Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions.
8. Close the brake caliper bleed screw.
^ Tighten the brake caliper bleed screw to 12 Nm (106 inch lbs.).
9. Repeat steps 6 through 8 until all of the calipers have been bled.
10. Lower the vehicle.
11. Test drive the vehicle, checking for brake pedal for sponginess or softness. Ensure that vehicle exceeds 5 km/h (3 mph) for ABS modulator actuation (self-test) which will purge any air from the secondary circuit of the modulator. If after ABS modulator actuation the pedal is still soft or spongy, then re-bleed entire system.
12. Remove the brake bleeding equipment from the master cylinder.