Recall - Ignition Circuit Defect: Overview
Product Safety - Ignition Circuit Thermal Events # 04002 - (02/18/2004)04002 -- Ignition Circuit Thermal Events
1998 Buck Skylark
1998-2001 Chevrolet Cavalier
1998 Oldsmobile Achieva
1998 Pontiac Grand Am
1998-2001 Pontiac Sunfire
Due to part availability, this recall is being conducted in three phases. Phase 1 will consist of 1998-1999 vehicles, phase 2 will consist of 2000 vehicles; and phase 3 will consist of 2001 vehicles. When sufficient parts are available to notify customers of 2000 and 2001 vehicles, you will be notified and will receive a new initiation report.
General Motors has decided that a defect which relates to motor vehicle safety exists in certain 1998 model year Buick Skylark; 1998-2001 model year Chevrolet Cavalier; 1998 model year Oldsmobile Achieva; 1998 model year Pontiac Grand Am; and 1998-2001 model year Pontiac Sunfire vehicles. If the engine fails to start and the driver holds the key in the "start" position for an extended period, high current flows through the ignition switch, and sometimes produces enough heat to melt internal switch parts. If the switch is damaged, a fire could occur in the steering column, even with the engine off and the key removed. The fire could spread to the interior of the car, which could injure occupants of the car or cause damage to adjoining structures.
Dealers are to install a relay kit and verify that the vehicle will start with a properly charged battery in good operating condition (adequate reserve capacity, or cold cranking amps).
Vehicles Involved
Involved are certain 1998 model year Buick Skylark; 1998-2001 model year Chevrolet Cavalier; 1998 model year Oldsmobile Achieva; 1998 model year Pontiac Grand Am; and 1998-2001 model year Pontiac Sunfire vehicles built within the VIN breakpoints shown.
Dealers should confirm vehicle eligibility through GMVIS (GM Vehicle Inquiry System) before beginning recall repairs. [Not all vehicles within the above breakpoints may be involved.]
For US
For dealers with involved vehicles, a Campaign Initiation Detail Report containing the complete Vehicle Identification Number, customer name and address data has been prepared and will be loaded to the GM DealerWorld, Recall Information website. The customer name and address data furnished will enable dealers to follow up with customers involved in this program.
For Canada & IPC
Computer listings containing the complete Vehicle Identification Number, customer name and address data of involved vehicles have been prepared, and are being furnished to involved dealers. The customer name and address data will enable dealers to follow up with customers involved in this recall. Any dealer not receiving a computer listing with the recall bulletin has no involved vehicles currently assigned.
These dealer listings may contain customer names and addresses obtained from Motor Vehicle Registration Records. The use of such motor vehicle registration data for any other purpose is a violation of law in several states/provinces/countries. Accordingly, you are urged to limit the use of this report to the follow-up necessary to complete this program.
Parts Information
Parts Pre-Ship Information - For US and Canada
An initial supply of harness kits required to complete this program will be pre-shipped to involved dealers of record. This pre-shipment is equal to 20% of your involved vehicles and is scheduled to begin the week of February 6, 2004. Pre-shipped parts will be charged to dealer's open parts account.
Additional parts, if required, are to be obtained from General Motors Service Parts Operations (GMSPO). Please refer to your "involved vehicles listing" before ordering parts. Normal orders should be placed on a DRO=Daily Replenishment Order. In an emergency situation, parts should be ordered on a CSO=Customer Special Order.
Customer Reimbursement - For US
All customer requests for reimbursement for previous repairs for the recall condition will be handled by the Customer Assistance Center, not by dealers.
A General Motors Product Recall Customer Reimbursement Procedure Form is shown.
Refer to the GM Service Policies and Procedures Manual, section 6.1.12, for specific procedures regarding customer reimbursement and the form.
Customer Reimbursement - For Canada
Customer requests for reimbursement of previously paid repairs for ignition switch replacement and related wiring repairs due to the condition addressed in this bulletin are to be submitted by June 30, 2005.
All reasonable customer paid receipts should be considered for reimbursement. The amount to be reimbursed will be limited to the amount the repair would have cost if completed by an authorized General Motors dealer.
When a customer requests reimbursement, they must provide the following:
^ Pre of of ownership at time of repair.
^ Original paid receipt confirming the amount of repair expense(s) that were not reimbursed, a description of the repair, and the person or entity performing the repair.
Claims for customer reimbursement on previously paid repairs are to be submitted as required by WINS.
Refer to the GM Service Policies and Procedures Manual. section 1.6.2 for specific procedures regarding customer reimbursement verification.
Claim Information
Refer to the General Motors WINS Claims Processing Manual for details on Product Recall Claim Submission.
Customer Notification -- For US and Canada
General Motors will notify customers of this recall on their vehicle (see copy of customer letter shown in this bulletin).
Customer Notification -- For IPC
Letters will be sent to known owners of record located within areas covered by the US National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act. For owners outside these areas, dealers should notify customers using the sample letter.
Dealer Recall Responsibility -- US and IPC (US States, Territories, and Possessions)
The US National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act provides that each vehicle which is subject to a recall of this type must be adequately repaired within a reasonable time after the customer has tendered it for repair. A failure to repair within sixty days after tender of a vehicle is prima facie evidence of failure to repair within a reasonable time. If the condition is not adequately repaired within a reasonable time, the customer may be entitled to an identical or reasonably equivalent vehicle at no charge or to a refund of the purchase price less a reasonable allowance for depreciation. To avoid having to provide these burdensome remedies, every effort must be made to promptly schedule an appointment with each customer and to repair their vehicle as soon as possible. In the recall notification letters, customers are told how to contact the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration if the recall is not completed within a reasonable time.
Dealer Recall Responsibility -- All
All unsold new vehicles in dealers' possession and subject to this recall MUST be held and inspected/repaired per the service procedure of this recall bulletin BEFORE customers take possession of these vehicles.
Dealers are to service all vehicles subject to this recall at no charge to customers, regardless of mileage, age of vehicle, or ownership, from this time forward.
Customers who have recently purchased vehicles sold from your vehicle inventory, and for which there is no customer information indicated on the dealer listing, are to be contacted by the dealer. Arrangements are to be made to make the required correction according to the instructions contained in this bulletin. A copy of the customer letter is shown in this bulletin. Recall follow-up cards should not be used for this purpose, since the customer may not as yet have received the notification letter.
In summary, whenever a vehicle subject to this recall enters your vehicle inventory, or is in your dealership for service in the future, please take the steps necessary to be sure the recall correction has been made before selling or releasing the vehicle.
If you have paid to have this recall condition corrected prior to receiving this notification, you may be eligible to receive reimbursement.
Requests for reimbursement may include parts, labor, fees and taxes. Reimbursement may be limited to the amount the repair would have cost if completed by an authorized General Motors dealer.
Your claim will be acted upon within 60 days of receipt.
If your claim is...
^ Approved, you will receive a check from General Motors.
^ Denied, you will receive a letter from General Motors with the reason(s) for the denial, or
^ Incomplete, you will receive a letter from General Motors identifying the documentation that is needed to complete the claim and offered the opportunity to resubmit the claim when the missing documentation is available.
Please follow the instructions on the Claim Form to file a claim for reimbursement. If you have questions about this reimbursement procedure, please call the toll-free telephone number provided at the bottom of the form. If you need assistance with any other concern, please contact the appropriate Customer Assistance Center at the number shown.