Requests, Reminders and Debits
For examples of return requests and reminders, refer to examples shown in this bulletin.Requests
When a part (and repair order copy) is needed, the dealership will receive a "GM Part and Repair Order Return Request" message. When a repair order ONLY is needed, the dealership will receive an "R.O. Only Request" message. All CPR requests will be transmitted to dealer's electronic mailbox within the "PARTRETURN CPR" report application on Tuesdays and Fridays of each week as warranty claims are paid. If there is no actual part to return because a fluid, such as carburetor cleaner was used, the dealer must complete a Parts Waiver form stating "used carb cleaner" and fax it to the WPC to avoid a debit (DO NOT MAIL) (248-371-9005).
A reminder notice of previously requested parts/R.O.'s which have not been received by the WPC will also be provided on Tuesdays and Fridays. These reminders will be listed in categories of "10-20 days old" and "at least 21 days old." Until parts are received, or the WPC has been contacted for non-return of parts, or the parts have reached 28 days, these reminders will repeat with each claim cycle.
If the dealer has confirmed delivery to WPC with UPS, but reminder notices continue, the dealer is encouraged to check the WPC website ( for receipt confirmation.
It is imperative that the dealer follow-up with the WPC to RESOLVE open issues to avoid possible debit. Fax (248-371-9005) is recommended for proof of follow-up with the WPC. If the original request is misplaced or unreadable, the reminder notice or website printout may be used for shipping parts with their paperwork to the WPC.
For dealer information, the Request Number is nine-digits. As an example, 212613469 would be translated as follows:
^ The first position indicates the year of the request.
2 = 2002.
^ The next three positions indicate the Julian date. 126 = May.
^ The next four positions indicate the unique sequence number. In this example, it is 1346.
^ The last number is the check digit. In this example, it is 9.
If, after 28 days, parts have not been received, or the WPC has not been contacted with an approved explanation for non-return of parts, the WPC will submit a total claim debit to the WINS process. The Debit Reason Code WP will be assigned to each debit case. If the dealer has any questions regarding a debit, please log on to the website to obtain the reason. The WPC has NO authority to waive or reverse debits after issuance; the GM Area Service Manager (AVM) or the DSPM (Isuzu) must be contacted in these instances.
Regarding debits, the following responses are unacceptable at any time and will result in a debit:
^ WPC received the part without paperwork.
^ Dealer never received the original request.
^ The dealer sent the part to an unapproved location.
^ The dealer returned the part for Core Value.
^ WPC received paperwork without the part.
^ The dealer scrapped the part prior to retention period.
^ Dealer sent wrong part.