Rear Door Removal and Replacement
REMOVAL PROCEDURE1. Open and support the rear door.
2. Open the front door.
3. Using a grease pencil, mark the location of the hinges to the center pillar.
4. With an assistant, remove the hinge to pillar bolts.
5. With an assistant, remove the hinge to pillar nuts.
6. Move the door away from the vehicle as far as the rubber conduit will permit.
7. Remove the rear door rubber conduit.
8. Remove the rear door.
1. With an assistant, position the rear door to the vehicle.
2. Install the rear door rubber conduit.
NOTE: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions.
3. Install the hinge to pillar bolts.
Tighten the door hinge bolts to 26 N.m (218 lb ft).
4. Install the hinge to pillar nuts.
Tighten the door hinge nuts to 26 N.m (18 lb ft).
5. Carefully close the door. Inspect the door for proper alignment.