9. Timing Chain and Tensioner Removal
Timing Chain and Tensioner Removal1. Remove the upper timing chain guide.
Important: The timing chain tensioner must be removed to unload chain tension before the timing chain is removed. If it is not, the timing chain will become cocked and it will be difficult to remove.
2. Remove the timing chain tensioner plunger.
3. Locate hex on the exhaust camshaft and hold with an appropriate size wrench.
4. Remove the exhaust cam bolt and the exhaust cam sprocket.
Discard the bolt.
5. Remove the adjustable timing chain guide.
6. Remove the plug to gain access to the fixed timing chain guide bolt.
7. Remove the fixed timing chain guide.
8. Locate hex on the intake camshaft and hold with an appropriate size wrench.
9. Remove the intake cam sprocket bolt, the intake cam sprocket and the timing chain through the top of the cylinder head.
Discard the bolt.
10. Remove the crankshaft sprocket.
11. Remove the oil nozzle and bolt.