Battery Negative Cable Replacement
REMOVAL PROCEDURE1. Disconnect negative battery cable (2).
2. Remove bolt retaining negative cable to core support.
3. Remove tape holding positive cable and ground strap to negative cable.
4. Remove negative cable from retainers.
5. Raise vehicle. Refer to Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle.
6. Remove lower closeout panel.
7. Remove front transmission mount.
8. Remove nut retaining ground cable to bellhousing stud.
9. Remove ground cable.
1. Install ground cable.
2. Install nut to retain ground cable to bellhousing stud.
3. Install front transmission mount.
4. Install lower closeout panel.
5. Lower the vehicle.
6. Install negative cable to retainers.
7. Tape positive cable and ground strap to negative cable.
8. Install bolt to retain ground cable to core support.
9. Connect negative ground cable (2).