Axle Beam: Service and Repair
Rear Axle ReplacementRemoval Procedure
1. Raise the vehicle on a hoist. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.
2. Remove the rear tire and wheel assemblies.
3. Remove the brake pipe retainer bolts from the rear axle.
4. Remove the brake pipe from the brake hose and wheel cylinder.
5. Disconnect the wheel speed sensor harness tram the wheel speed sensors.
6. Remove the wheel speed sensor wiring harness from the retainers on the rear axle.
7. Disconnect the park brake cables from the equalizers.
8. Remove the park brake cables from the rear area.
9. Support the rear axle with suitable jack stands.
10. Remove the shock absorber lower mounting bolt (9).
11. Remove the following components from the rear axle (2):
^ The rear axle mounting bolts (4)
^ The washers (3)
^ The nuts (1)
12. Remove the rear axle (2) from the vehicle.
Installation Procedure
1. Install the rear axle (2) to the vehicle.
2. Install the following components to the rear axle (2):
^ The rear axle mounting bolts (4)
^ The washers (3)
^ The nuts (1)
Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precaution.
3. Tighten the nuts.
Tighten the nuts to 120 Nm (88 ft. lbs.).
4. Install the shock absorber lower mounting bolt (9).
Tighten the bolt to 70 Nm (51 ft. lbs.).
5. Install the park brake cables to the rear axle.
6. Connect the park brake cables to the equalizer.
7. Install the wheel speed sensor wiring harness to the retainers on the rear axle.
8. Connect the wheel speed sensor harness to the wheel speed sensors.
9. Install the brake pipe to the brake hose and wheel cylinder.
Tighten the fittings to 27 Nm (20 ft. lbs.).
10. Install the brake pipe retainer bolts to the rear axle.
Tighten the bolts to 6 Nm (50 inch lbs.).
11. Install the rear tire and wheel assemblies.
12. Bleed the brakes.
13. Adjust the parking brake.
14. Lower the vehicle.