Power Sunroof Inoperative (With RPO Code C3Y)
- The power sunroof is opened and closed by using the power sunroof switch. When the sunroof opens, the power sunshade opens with it. The sunshade also closes when the sunroof closes, however, the sunshade will only close to the first closed position. From this position, the closing of the sunshade must be completed by using the sunshade switch. The power sunroof motor/actuator monitors the positions of the both the sunroof and the sunshade and limits the opening of the sunroof and the closing of the sunshade based upon the current positions of the sunroof and the sunshade. The power sunroof motor/actuator will not allow the sunroof glass to be opened more than the sunshade panel.
IMPORTANT: If the power sunroof and the power sunshade both operate normally from the power sunroof switch, but the power sunshade is inoperative from the power sunshade switch, refer to Power Sunshade Inoperative. Power Sunshade Inoperative
- If a power sunroof switch data signal circuit shorts to voltage, it is likely that the circuit will open permanently inside the switch. If you are replacing the switch due to an open internal circuit, be sure to test the corresponding external circuit for a short to battery.
- The power sunroof motor/actuator assembly contains the sunroof electronic control module. The individual components are not serviced separately.
- The power sunroof motor/actuator is also known as the power sunroof master control module.
- The power sunshade motor/actuator assembly contains the sunshade electronic control module. The individual components are not serviced separately.
- The power sunshade motor/actuator is also known as the power sunroof slave module.
Step 1 - Step 10:
Step 11 - Step 17:
Step 18 - Step 29:
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the diagnostic table.
7. This step verifies the ground circuit between the sunroof motor/actuator and G302. If this circuit fails, the sunroof motor/actuator cannot be powered. Both the sunroof and sunshade would be completely inoperative.
8. This step verifies the battery positive voltage circuit of the sunshade motor/actuator. If this circuit fails, the sunshade motor/actuator is not powered and cannot send the position of the sunshade over the keyword 2000 serial data circuit to the sunroof motor/actuator. Both the sunroof and sunshade would be completely inoperative. Both the sunroof and sunshade would be completely inoperative.
9. This step verifies the ground circuit between the sunshade motor/actuator and G302. If this circuit fails, the sunshade motor/actuator is not powered and cannot send the position of the sunshade over the keyword 2000 serial data circuit to the sunroof motor/actuator. Both the sunroof and sunshade would be completely inoperative.
10. This step is actually being used to verify the ground circuit between connector C415 and G302. It is easier to access this circuit at the sunroof switch than at connector C415. If the circuit fails between C415 and G302, ground to both the sunroof switch and the sunshade switch is lost. With no signal possible from either switch, both the sunroof and sunshade would be completely inoperative.
12. This step verifies the ground circuit between the sunroof switch and connector C415. If the circuit fails in this location, the sunshade can still be fully or partially operated, depending upon the position of the sunroof. It is important to remember that the sunroof motor/actuator will not allow the sunroof to be opened more than the sunshade. If the circuit fails when the power sunroof is in the fully opened position, the power sunshade can only be operated to the first closed position using the sunshade switch. If the circuit fails when the power sunroof is in the fully closed position, the power sunshade will be fully operational from the sunshade switch.
13. This step begins to test the integrity of the sunroof switch data 2 signal circuit. If this circuit has become permanently open, the sunroof will become inoperative once it has been fully closed, while the sunshade will continue to be functional when operated from the sunshade switch. A short to voltage may cause the data 2 signal circuit to become permanently open.
16. This step tests the sunroof switch for an open between the sunroof switch data 2 signal circuit and ground. If this circuit opens at a location inside the switch that completely interrupts ground for the data 2 signal, the sunroof will be completely inoperative once it is closed, while the sunshade will continue to be at least partially operational. There should be continuity between pins 4 and 1 at every switch position except position 0 (closed).