34. Engine Block Disassemble
Engine Block Disassemble
1. Notice: Maximum gasket performance is achieved when using new fasteners, which contain a thread-locking patch. If the fasteners are not replaced, a thread locking chemical must be applied to the fastener threads. Failure to replace the fasteners or apply a thread-locking chemical MAY reduce gasket sealing capability.
Remove the camshaft rear bearing hole plug.
2. Remove the rear oil gallery plugs (102, 103).
3. Remove the front oil gallery plugs (107, 110, 137).
4. Remove the engine front cover locating pins (546).
5. Remove the piston oil nozzle bolt (424) and nozzle (423).
6. Remove the engine block plug.
7. Remove the transmission locating pins.
8. Remove the knock sensors.
9. Remove the engine oil pressure indicator switch.