Emission - Emissions Programming Warranty Coverage
WARRANTY ADMINISTRATIONBulletin No.: 04-06-04-036E
Date: May 08, 2008
Warranty Coverage for Emission-Related Reprogramming Events (PCM, ECM and TCM)
2009 and Prior GM Passenger Cars and Trucks (Including Saturn)
2003-2009 HUMMER H2
2006-2009 HUMMER H3
2009 and Prior Saab Vehicles (Canada Only)
This bulletin applies only to dealers in the United States and Canada. Export dealers are not authorized to utilize this service bulletin.
This bulletin is being updated to add an Attention statement. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 04-06-04-036D (Section 06 - Engine).
The coverage for emission-related reprogramming has the same coverage as the emission controller under the emission controller warranty - 8 years/80,000 miles (130,000 km).
Reprogramming that is not emissions-related is covered under the terms of the Bumper to Bumper Limited Warranty. (For additional information regarding labor codes for use in non-emission-related reprogramming refer to Corporate Bulletin Number 06-08-47-001D.)
Emissions-related calibration updates will be announced through a GM Technical Service Bulletin with specific guidelines of coverage for each model affected. A special emission-related reprogramming labor operation will be used. The labor operation to be used for claims relating to emission-related reprogramming is J6353 and will only be referenced in the bulletins addressing emission-related calibrations. This labor operation must NOT be used for non-emissions-related reprogramming or for any other vehicle that is not referenced in an emission-related reprogramming technical service bulletin.
The PCM on 2004 model light duty vehicles is covered by the emission controller warranty for 8 years/80,000 miles (130,000 km). If GM released an "emission-related" calibration update for one of these vehicles, this reprogramming event would also be covered for the remainder of the 8 years/80,000 miles (130,000 km). If GM released a driveability-related calibration update (for example to eliminate a hesitation) for one of these vehicles, this reprogramming event would be covered for the remainder of the terms of the Bumper to Bumper Limited Warranty.
An emission-related calibration for medium duty and diesel applications are also covered by the emission warranty that is applicable to that vehicle's emissions controller.
The PCM on 2004 model medium duty vehicles is covered by the emission controller warranty for 5 years/50,000 miles (80,000 km). If GM released an "emission-related" calibration update for one of these vehicles, this reprogramming event would also be covered for 5 years/50,000 miles (80,000 km).