69. Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Installation
Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Installation
Tools Required
^ J41479 Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Installer
1. Important:
^ Do not lubricate the oil seal inside diameter (ID) or the crankshaft surface.
^ Do not use the crankshaft rear oil seal again.
Lubricate the outside diameter (OD) of the oil seal (141) with clean engine oil. DO NOT allow oil or other lubricants to contact the seal surface.
2. Lubricate the rear housing oil seal bore with clean engine oil. DO NOT allow oil or other lubricants to contact the crankshaft surface.
3. Install the J41479 cone (2) and bolts onto the rear of the crankshaft.
4. Tighten the bolts until snug. Do not overtighten.
5. Install the rear oil seal onto the tapered cone (2) and push the seal to the rear seal bore.
6. Thread the J41479 threaded rod into the tapered cone until the tool (1) contacts the oil seal.
7. Align the oil seal onto the tool (1).
8. Rotate the handle of the tool (1) clockwise until the seal enters the rear housing and bottoms into the seal bore.
9. Remove the tool.