Ignition - Can't Turn Ignition Switch From Lock Position
TECHNICALBulletin No.: 09-02-35-003
Date: February 12, 2009
Ignition Lock Cannot Be Turned from Locked Position, Excessive Effort Needed to Turn Key from Lock to On (Install New Ignition Lock Housing)
2006 Pontiac GTO
Some customers may comment that the ignition key cannot be turned from the lock position or it takes excessive effort to turn the
ignition key from "Lock" to "On".
Once the key is in the "On" position, it operates normally. The key can also be inserted and removed normally.
This condition may be caused by excessive wear at the detent ramp at the base of the ignition lock barrel housing. This wear results in the ramp progressively wearing away, creating a step. Once this occurs, the key cannot be turned as the locking pin will no loner ride up the ramp when attempting to turn the ignition "On".
Confirm that the symptoms are what is described in the Condition statement above. Difficulty in inserting or removing the key or in operation of the lock other than from "Lock" to "On" indicates that a different condition may be present.
A lock housing with revised material and ramp profile has been developed. Replace the lock housing following the procedure below.
Take care when removing the lock barrel so that the tumblers will not be dislodged or damaged. This procedure allows the existing barrel to be used without the need to re-code the tumblers or replace the barrel.
1. Disable the SIR system. Refer to SIR Disabling and Enabling in SIR.
2. Remove the knee bolster assembly. Refer to Driver Knee Bolster Replacement in Instrument Panel, Gages, and Console.
3. Remove the steering column trim covers. Refer to Steering Column Trim Covers Replacement.
4. Tilt the column to the lowest position and telescope the column to the longest position.
5. Disconnect the key reader wiring harness connector (1), ignition lock illumination socket (2) and bulb (3) from the key reader assembly (4).
The ignition barrel lock cylinder can be removed with the steering wheel installed. However, the steering wheel is not shown in the graphic above for clarity.
6. Carefully pull the key reader from the ignition lock assembly housing.
7. The next step is to remove the lock cylinder from the steering column. This requires that the ignition be turned to the "On" position. If condition described in this bulletin prevents the key from being turned, it will be necessary to depress the lock barrel into the housing to relieve the force on the locking pin.
Failure Mode Identification
^ Ignition lock jammed.
^ Key can be removed, but when inserted, cannot turn.
The ignition lock release process must be completed prior to removal of the ignition barrel.
Tools Capable of Completing Task
^ Thin steel wire
^ Paperclip
^ Flat steel section
^ Pen lid pocket clip (as shown above)
^ Thin flat screwdriver
1. With the key out of the ignition, slide the tool down between the lock barrel and the lock housing. There is a small notch in the lip around the cylinder housing at the bottom of the housing. The slider pin is located approximately 4 mm (0.16 in) clockwise from this notch. Figure A
The aim is to locate the slider pin (Figure A) and depress it back into the barrel (Figure B).
Figures A and B are shown with the barrel removed from the housing to illustrate the slider pin location.
2. As the slider pin is being restrained by the tool, push the lock barrel back into the housing (refer to photo above). When the barrel has been pushed in, the tool can be removed. Ensure that pressure remains on the barrel.
3. The last step is to re-insert the key. When the key has been fully inserted, the pressure can be released and they key can be turned.
8. Insert the ignition key (3) into the barrel and turn the key to the "On" position.
9. Insert a 2.5 mm (0.1 in) diameter pin (1) into the locking pin hole. Depress the spring-loaded barrel locking latch to release the lock cylinder.
An Allen wrench could be used as an alternative.
10. Remove the pin and pull the barrel (2) from the lock housing. Ensure that they key is NOT removed from the barrel.
Release the pin slowly after rotating past the rotation stop to prevent it from ejecting under spring force.It is also recommended that eye protection be worn during this step, as the pin, if released suddenly, will eject with significant force.
11. Locate the locking pin at the end of the barrel as shown. Depress this pin against spring pressure and rotate the barrel fully counterclockwise past the rotation stop.
12. Remove the pin from the barrel. The barrel can now be removed from the housing.
13. Insert the existing barrel into the new housing, GM P/N 92234035.
14. Refer to the Installation Procedure of Ignition Lock Cylinder Replacement in SI for reassembly steps.
Parts Information
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