Scan Tool Data Definitions
The SIR scan tool data definitions contain a brief description of all SIR related parameters available on the scan tool. The parameters that are available on the scan tool are listed below in alphabetical order.
8-Digit GM Part Number: The scan tool displays an 8-digit part number. This number is the GM part number that is stored within the SDM memory.
Ignition Cycle Counter: The scan tool displays the number of ignition cycles.
Julian Date of Build: The scan tool displays a 3-digit number. This number represents the day of the year the module was built.
PROM ID: The scan tool displays a 4-digit number. This number is the programmable read-only memory (PROM) ID.
SDM Operating Time: The scan tool displays the SDM operating time in minutes.
Warning Lamp Cycles: The scan tool displays the number of warning lamp cycles.
Year Module Built: The scan tool displays what year the module was built.