Body - Retractable Hard Top Switch Diagnostic Info.: Overview
INFORMATIONBulletin No.: 07-08-67-010B
Date: September 04, 2008
Retractable Hard Top (RHT)/Convertible Switch Diagnosis (B1296, B3669, B367A, B376B, B366E, B366D, B366B, B366A, B366F, B1307, B3683, B3685, B366C and/or B1010)
2006-2009 Pontiac G6
This bulletin is being revised to add the 2009 model year. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 07-08-67-010A (Section 08 - Body and Accessories.
This bulletin address the issue of the convertible top not cycling open or closed with one or more RHT DTCs set
You must review Service Know-How 10206.13D and 12442.10V before working on a Retractable Hard Top vehicle.
When the top is cycle open or closed the Folding Top Control (FTC) Module looks for a specific sequence of switching events to take place (refer to the Switch Status Charts below). If the specific sequence is interrupted by one of the switches not properly changing status, the FTC Module will set DTC/s for the specific switch(es) that did not cycle, the module will then time out the hydraulic pump/motor and will not allow further top operation to protect top components from being damaged
Once the FTC module times out, it will no longer allow top operation until the switch that interrupted the sequence, properly changes status (Note: At times the FTC may allow return of the roof to its previous position but, normally will not allow movement past the point at which the switch sequence was interrupted).
The switch sequence can also be interrupted by a mechanical binding of the system latches or a hydraulic system leak. Both of these issues can cause a switch status not to change and the system will time out.
DO NOT replace the FTC module or the hydraulic pump/motor. Instead, follow the diagnostics below.
Use the Tech 2 to identify the DTC(s) and symptom/descriptor set.
Verify that the battery has a full state of charge (always cycle the top with the engine running).
^ If no DTC is set or DTC B1010 is the only DTC set: Check the DIC for messages (i.e. "Check Cargo Shade" the top will not cycle if the cargo shade is open). If no messages are displayed, cycle the top open/closed and re-check for DTCs. If the top operates normally and no DTCs are set, the condition is not present. If the Top Operational Switch DTC is set (B3602), go to Step 1.
The Top Operational Switch is designed to operate with constant finger pressure. For safety reasons, the top will stop if the constant pressure is not present. It is also normal for a slight pause to occur when resuming top operation with the switch after a constant pressure interruption has taken place. (No DTC will be set for this issue. Do not replace the switch for this normal condition).
^ If any of the following Top Switch DTCs are set B1296, B3669, B367A, B367B, B366E, B366D, B366B, B366A, B367F, B1307, B3683, B3685, B366C and/or B1010 - go to Step 1.
B1010 is a System Sensors Data Mismatch Signal Invalid DTC and almost always sets with some other Switch DTC. Diagnose the set Switch DTC.
If any Hydraulic Pump/Motor DTC is set, follow the 2008 SI document DTC Descriptors Circuit/System Testing Diagnosis:
^ B3680
^ B3674
^ B3675
If any Folding Top Control (FTC) Module DTC is set, follow the 2008SI document DTC Descriptors Circuit/System Testing Diagnosis:
^ B1000
^ B1325
^ B1335
^ B1345
^ B1395
^ B316A
1. Using the Tech 2(R), verify the switch for the set DTC will properly change status when manually cycled. Note - in some instances the hydraulic pressure may need to be opened at the pump (i.e. S1/B1296, S2/B3669, S3/B367A, S4/B367B), refer to Folding Top Pump Bypass Valve Pressure Release Adjustment in SI.
Using a Tech 2(R), the DTC Diagnostic Matrix and the Switch Status Charts, you can determine the status of each switch in any position while the top is being opened or closed. Also refer to the Training section below.
^ If the switch changes status properly, go to Step 6.
^ If the switch does not change status properly, go to Step 2.
2. Disconnect the switch for the set DTC. Proceed to Step 3.
3. Ignition ON, probe the 12-volt reference circuit of the switch with a test lamp connected to ground. The test lamp should illuminate. If the test lamp does illuminate, go to Step 4.
^ If the test lamp does not illuminate, test the 12-volt reference circuit for a short to ground or open.
^ If the test lamp does not illuminate and the circuit is OK, go to Step 5.
4. Probe the signal circuit of the switch with a test lamp connected to B+. The test lamp should illuminate. If the test lamp illuminates, go to Step 6.
^ If the test lamp does not illuminate, test the signal circuit for an open or high resistance.
^ If the test lamp does not illuminate and circuit is OK, go to Step 5.
5. Disconnect the FTC module, verify the power and ground circuits for any short to ground, open or short to battery. Verify pins/connections, re-connect the module and the switch and cycle the top. If the condition is still present, replace the FTC module.
6. Verify that there is no mechanical binding of the switch latching system. Note - in some instances the hydraulic pressure may need to be opened at the pump, refer to Folding Top Pump Bypass Valve Pressure Release Adjustment in SI. If the latching system moves freely, go to Step 7. If the latching system does not move freely, repair (adjust/replace) the mechanical system accordingly.
7. Verify there are no hydraulic system leaks. Remove the trunk trim and check under the spare tire for signs of fluid leak. If there are no leaks found, go to Step 8. If a hydraulic leak is found, repair the damaged seal/line accordingly.
8. Verify that the switch is adjusted properly (i.e. S18/B3685 - refer to TAC PIC 4154A). Verify that the switch has no obstructions in it which would mechanically prevent the switch from properly cycling. Verify there is no damaged wiring/connections from a mis-routed/improperly tie strapped wire harness or moving parts contacting/pinching the wire harness when top is being cycled open/closed (specifically in the deck lid reverse open hinge/hold down claws area). Re-connect the switch and cycle the top. If the condition is present, replace the switch.
Refer to the DTC Diagnostic Matrix shown for more specific switch information and diagnostic detail from Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 above.
As with all micro switches, listen carefully for a clicking sound when engaging and releasing the lever. This, along with monitoring the state with a Tech 2(R), provides a basic mechanical check of the switch.
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