Removal Procedure
Engine Replacement (w/Automatic Transmission)
Tools Required
* J 42451-1 Engine Support Adapter
* J 45059 Angle Meter
Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2. Remove the hood.
3. Recover the air conditioning (A/C) system.
4. Remove the drive belt.
5. Remove the radiator.
6. Relieve the fuel system pressure.
7. Disconnect the evaporative emission (EVAP) canister purge solenoid tube from the valve (2).
8. Disconnect the fuel feed pipe (1) from the fuel line.
9. Remove the charge air cooler inlet and outlet pipes.
10. Remove the air inlet grille panel.
11. Remove the starter.
12. Remove the turbocharger heat shield bolts (1) and shield.
13. Remove the charge air cooler pipe to turbocharger bolts (1).
14. Remove the charge air cooler pipe and gasket (2) from the turbocharger.
15. Cap or plug the turbocharger opening.
16. Reposition the radiator inlet hose clamp at the engine.
17. Remove the radiator inlet hose from the engine.
18. Reposition the radiator inlet hose out of the way.
19. Reposition the radiator outlet hose clamp (2) at the thermostat housing.
20. Reposition the radiator outlet hose clamp (1) at the oil cooler.
21. Remove the radiator outlet hose from the thermostat housing and oil cooler.
22. Remove the radiator outlet hose clip (3) from the bracket.
23. Reposition the radiator outlet hose out of the way.
24. Reposition the surge tank outlet hose clamp (2) at the thermostat housing.
25. Reposition the surge tank outlet hose clamp (1) at the oil cooler.
26. Remove the surge tank outlet hose from the thermostat housing and oil cooler.
27. Reposition the surge tank outlet hose clamp (2) at the surge tank.
28. Remove the surge tank outlet hose from the surge tank.
29. Remove the surge tank clip (1) from the oil level indicator tube bracket.
30. Remove the surge tank outlet hose from the vehicle.
31. Reposition the surge tank air bleed hose clamp (1) at the engine.
32. Remove the surge tank air bleed hose clip (3) from the surge tank bracket.
33. Remove the surge tank air bleed hose from the engine.
34. Reposition the air bleed hose out of the way.
35. Reposition the heater inlet and outlet hose clamps at the thermostat housing.
36. Remove the heater inlet (1) and outlet (2) hoses from the thermostat housing.
37. Raise and suitably support the vehicle. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.
38. Drain the engine oil.
39. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (1) from the crankshaft position (CKP) sensor.
40. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (2) from the oil pressure sensor.
41. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (1) from the brake booster vacuum pump.
42. Lower the vehicle.
43. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (1) from the mass air flow (MAF) sensor.
44. Cut the engine harness tie straps (1).
45. Remove the negative battery cable ground bolt (6) from the front engine lift bracket.
46. Remove the negative battery cable ground terminal (5) from the engine lift bracket.
47. Reposition the negative/positive battery cable out of the way.
48. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (1) from the transmission oil cooler pump.
49. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (1) from the generator.
50. Reposition the positive battery cable terminal boot (4).
51. Remove the generator terminal nut (1).
52. Remove the positive battery cable terminal (3) from the generator.
53. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (4) from the A/C compressor.
54. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (1) from the fuel injector jumper electrical connector.
55. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (2) from the knock sensor.
56. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (1) from the A/C refrigerant pressure sensor.
57. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (1) from the brake booster vacuum sensor.
58. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (1) from the windshield wiper motor.
59. Remove the engine harness clip (2) from the wiper motor hole.
60. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (2) from the intake camshaft position (CMP) sensor.
61. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (1) from the high pressure fuel pump.
62. Remove the engine wiring harness clip (3) from the high pressure fuel pump bracket.
63. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (2) from the intake CMP actuator.
64. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (1) from the exhaust CMP actuator.
65. Remove the engine harness clip (1) from the camshaft cover.
66. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connectors from the ignition coils.
67. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (1) from the heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) (3).
68. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (4) from the exhaust CMP sensor.
69. Remove the engine harness ground terminal bolt (2) and reposition the engine harness ground terminal (1).
70. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (3) from the engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor.
71. Disconnect the engine harness clips (2) from the camshaft cover.
72. Disconnect the engine harness clip (1) from the camshaft cover.
73. Remove the engine wiring harness clip (3) from the turbocharger coolant feed pipe stud (2).
74. Remove the engine wiring harness clip (1) from the turbocharger coolant feed pipe tab.
75. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connector from the boost sensor.
76. Remove the engine wiring harness ground bolt (2) from the cylinder head.
77. Remove the engine wiring harness ground terminal (1) from the cylinder head.
78. Remove the engine harness clips (3, 4) from the front studs.
79. Gather all branches of the engine harness and lay off to the side.
80. Reposition the charge air bypass valve vacuum hose clamp (5) at the turbocharger.
81. Remove the vacuum hose from the turbocharger coolant feed pipe clips (4).
82. Remove the charge air bypass valve solenoid.
83. Remove the turbocharger coolant feed pipe bolt (1) at the turbocharger.
84. Remove the turbocharger coolant feed pipe fitting (2) from the cylinder head.
85. Remove the turbocharger coolant feed pipe bracket bolt from the cylinder head.
86. Remove the turbocharger coolant feed pipe bracket from the vehicle.
87. Remove the A/C compressor line bolt and reposition the line off to the side.
88. Raise and support the vehicle.
89. Remove the power steering pump bracket bolts and reposition the pump and bracket off to the side.
90. Remove the torque converter to flywheel bolts.
Important: The top 2 bellhousing bolts install through the bellhousing into the engine block. The remaining 7 bolts install through the engine block into the bellhousing.
91. Remove the 4 lower bellhousing bolts (2).
92. Lower the vehicle.
93. Remove the remaining upper 5 bellhousing bolts (1).
94. Remove the left engine mount upper nut.
95. Remove the right engine mount upper nut.
96. Install the J 42451-1 to the engine, if necessary.
97. Install a suitable engine lifting devise to the engine.
98. Separate the engine from the transmission.
99. Remove the engine from the vehicle.
Important: It may be necessary to remove the chamfer (bevel) from the edge of an 18 mm socket in order to get full engagement on the thin headed flywheel bolts.
100. Remove the flywheel bolts and flywheel.
101. Install the engine to an engine stand.
102. Remove the A/C compressor bolts and compressor.
103. Remove the catalytic converter to bracket bolts.
104. Remove the catalytic converter nuts (2).
105. Remove the catalytic converter (3) and gasket (1) from the turbocharger and bracket (4).