34. Cylinder Head Disassemble
Cylinder Head Disassemble
Special Tools
* EN-8062 - Valve Spring Compressor
* EN-36017 - Valve Seal Remover
* EN-43963 - Valve Spring Compressor (off car)
For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools Special Tools.
1. Remove the coolant air bleed hose fitting (1).
Note: Ensure that the valve train components are kept together and identified in order for proper re-installation in their original position.
2. Using the EN-8062 - compressor and the EN-43963 - compressor (off car), compress the valve spring.
3. Remove the valve keys (1).
4. Slowly release the EN-8062 - compressor and the EN-43963 - compressor (off car) from the valve spring assembly.
5. Remove the retainer (2).
6. Remove the springs (1).
Caution: Do not damage the valve guide. Remove any burrs that have formed at the key groove by chamfering the valve stem with an oil stone or a file.
7. Remove the valve seals (1). Use the EN-36017 - remover. Do not reuse.
8. Remove the valves (1).
9. Remove the cylinder head plugs (1) and oil restrictor.