Engine Replacement
Engine Replacement
Removal Procedure
1. With the tires in the straight forward position, remove the key from the ignition.
2. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Refer to Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection.
3. Remove the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to Air Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement Air Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement.
4. Secure the cooling module to the upper body structure.
5. Relieve the fuel system pressure. Refer to Fuel Pressure Relief (With CH 48027) Fuel Pressure Relief (With CH 48027)Fuel Pressure Relief (Without CH 48027) Fuel Pressure Relief (Without CH 48027).
6. Disconnect the fuel line from the fuel rail. Refer to Metal Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service Metal Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service.
7. Drain the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System Draining and Filling (GE 47716 Fill) Cooling System Draining and Filling (GE 47716 Fill)Cooling System Draining and Filling (LY7, LZE, LZ4, LZ9) Cooling System Draining and Filling (GE 47716 Fill).
8. Remove the radiator inlet hose.
9. Remove the surge tank to cylinder head hose.
10. Remove the radiator outlet hose.
11. Remove the inlet (1) and outlet (2) heater hoses.
12. Disconnect the following harness connectors:
* The electronic throttle control
* The manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor
* The crankshaft sensor
* The oil pressure sensor
* The purge solenoid
* The ignition coils
* The heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) sensor
* The vehicle speed sensor (VSS)
* The engine temperature sensor
* The back-up lamp switch only with automatic transmission.
* The camshaft position actuator solenoid control valves
* The fuel rail.
* Remove the ground wires from left side of cylinders head.
13. Raise and suitably support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle Service and Repair.
14. Remove the engine drive belt. Refer to Drive Belt Replacement Service and Repair.
15. Remove the AC compressor bolts and set the compressor aside.
16. Remove the starter solenoid battery cable nut (2).
17. Remove the positive battery cable lead (3) from the starter solenoid.
18. Remove the engine harness lead (2) from the starter solenoid.
19. Disconnect the generator electrical connector (1).
20. Reposition the engine harness rubber boot (3).
21. Remove the generator nut (2).
22. Remove the engine harness lead (4) from the generator.
23. Disconnect the front exhaust pipe from the exhaust manifold. Refer to Exhaust Pipe Replacement (LE5 or LE9 With MH8) Exhaust Pipe Replacement (With MH8)Exhaust Pipe Replacement (LY7) Exhaust Pipe Replacement (With MH8)Exhaust Pipe Replacement (LZ9 w/RPO MT2) Exhaust Pipe Replacement (w/RPO MT2)Exhaust Manifold Pipe Replacement (LE5) Exhaust Manifold Pipe Replacement.
24. Lower the vehicle.
25. Disconnect the transmission harness connectors.
26. Disconnect the transmission shift cable from the transmission.
27. Use blocks of wood to support the powertrain assembly between the frame and the powertrain.
28. Remove the engine mount. Refer to Engine Mount Replacement Engine Mount Replacement.
29. Remove the side transmission mount bracket bolts.
30. Raise the vehicle.
31. Disconnect the stabilizer links from the stabilizer bar. Refer to Stabilizer Shaft Link Replacement Service and Repair.
32. Disconnect the outer tie rod ends from the steering knuckles. Refer to Steering Linkage Outer Tie Rod Replacement Steering Linkage Outer Tie Rod Replacement.
Note: In order to prevent possible supplemental inflatable restraint (SIR) system deployment, do not attempt to rotate the steering shaft.
33. Disconnect the intermediate shaft from the steering gear. Refer to Intermediate Steering Shaft Replacement Intermediate Steering Shaft Replacement.
34. Disconnect the lower control arms from the steering knuckles. Refer to Lower Control Arm Replacement Front Suspension.
35. Disconnect the drive axles from the transaxle and support with wire or bungee cords.
36. Use a paint pen or magic marker in order to mark the frame to body position.
37. Lower the vehicle to about 3 feet off the ground in order to position the lift table under the frame.
38. Use wood blocks as necessary between the lift table and the frame to support the assembly.
39. Remove the frame bolts using the following sequence:
1. Remove the front frame bolts.
2. Remove the frame support bracket and bolt.
3. Remove the rear frame bolts.
40. Slowly raise the vehicle off of the frame and powertrain.
41. Attach the engine lift hoist to the engine lift hooks.
42. Remove the starter bolts and starter.
43. Remove the transaxle brace to engine bolts.
44. Remove the transaxle brace to transaxle bolts and brace.
45. Remove the torque converter to flywheel bolts.
46. Remove the transaxle to engine bolts.
47. Separate the engine from the transaxle.
48. Remove the following components:
* The exhaust manifold
* The engine mount bracket
* The engine block heater
* The thermostat housing and feed pipe
* The generator
* The fuel rail
* The drive belt tensioner
* Engine Flywheel
49. Install the engine to a suitable engine stand.
Installation Procedure
1. Attach the engine lift hoist to the engine lift hooks.
2. Install the following components:
* The exhaust manifold-Refer to Exhaust Manifold Replacement (LE5 or LE9 With MH8) Exhaust Manifold Replacement (With MH8)Exhaust Manifold Replacement (LE5) Exhaust Manifold Replacement.
* The engine mount bracket-Refer to Engine Mount Bracket Replacement Engine Mount Bracket Replacement.
* The fuel rail-Refer to Fuel Injection Fuel Rail Assembly Replacement Service and Repair.
* The engine block heater, if equipped-Refer to Coolant Heater Replacement (LE5 and LE9) Coolant Heater ReplacementCoolant Heater Replacement (LZ4 and LZ9) Coolant Heater Replacement.
* The drive belt tensioner-Refer to Drive Belt Tensioner Replacement Service and Repair.
* The thermostat housing and feed pipe-Refer to Engine Coolant Thermostat Replacement (LE5 and LE9) Service and RepairEngine Coolant Thermostat Replacement (LZ4 and LZ9) Service and Repair.
* The generator-Refer to Generator Replacement (LE5 or LE9) Service and RepairGenerator Replacement (LZ4 or LZE) Service and RepairGenerator Replacement (LY7) Service and RepairGenerator Replacement (LZ9) Service and Repair.
* The flywheel-Refer to Engine Flywheel Replacement Service and Repair.
3. Align the engine to the transaxle.
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution Fastener Caution.
Note: The number 3 bolt location is not used.
4. Install the engine to the transaxle bolts and tighten to 75 Nm (55 lb ft).
5. Install the torque converter bolts and tighten to 62 Nm (46 lb ft).
6. Position the transaxle brace to the engine and transaxle and install the brace to transaxle bolts.
7. Install the transaxle brace to engine block bolts and tighten to 50 Nm (37 lb ft).
8. Install the starter. Refer to Starter Replacement (LE5 or LE9) Service and RepairStarter Replacement (LZ4 or LZE) Service and RepairStarter Replacement (LY7) Service and RepairStarter Replacement (LZ9) Service and Repair.
9. Remove the engine lift from the engine.
10. Lower vehicle slowly over frame and powertrain.
11. Hand start all the frame bolts while aligning the frame to the paint marks.
12. Tighten the frame bolts to 100 Nm (74 lb ft) plus an additional 180 degrees.
13. Remove the lift table.
14. Connect the drive axles to the transaxle.
15. Connect the lower control arm to the steering knuckle. Refer to Lower Control Arm Replacement Front Suspension.
16. Connect the intermediate steering shaft to the steering gear. Refer to Steering Gear Replacement (Electronic Power Steering) Steering Gear Replacement (Electronic Power Steering)Steering Gear Replacement (Hydraulic Power Steering LY7) Service and RepairSteering Gear Replacement (Hydraulic Power Steering LZ4, LZ9) Service and Repair.
17. Connect the outer tie rod ends to the steering knuckles. Refer to Steering Linkage Outer Tie Rod Replacement Steering Linkage Outer Tie Rod Replacement.
18. Connect the stabilizer links to the stabilizer bar. Refer to Stabilizer Shaft Link Replacement Service and Repair.
19. Install the side transmission mount bracket bolts and tighten to 50 Nm (37 lb ft).
20. Install the engine mount. Refer to Engine Mount Replacement Engine Mount Replacement.
21. Remove the wood blocks between the powertrain and frame.
22. Connect the transmission shift cable to the transmission.
23. Connect the transmission harness connector.
24. Install the catalytic converter to the exhaust manifold and tighten the nuts to 30 Nm (22 lb ft).
25. Lower the vehicle.
26. Install the engine harness lead (4) to the generator.
27. Install the generator nut (2) and tighten to 20 Nm (15 lb ft).
28. Position the engine harness rubber boot (3).
29. Connect the generator electrical connector (1).
30. Raise the vehicle.
31. Install the engine harness lead (2) to the starter solenoid.
32. Install the starter solenoid engine harness nut (1) and tighten to 3 Nm (27 lb in).
33. Install the positive battery cable lead (3) to the starter solenoid.
34. Install the starter solenoid battery cable nut (2) and tighten to 17 Nm (13 lb ft).
35. Install the AC compressor to the engine.
36. Install the engine drive belt. Refer to Drive Belt Replacement Service and Repair.
37. Connect the following harness connectors:
* The electronic throttle control
* The MAP sensor
* The crankshaft sensor
* The oil pressure sensor
* The purge solenoid
* The ignition coils
* The HO2S
* The VSS
* The engine temperature sensor
* The camshaft position actuator solenoid control valves
* The fuel rail
38. Install the inlet heater hose (1) and outlet heater hose (2).
39. Install the radiator outlet hose.
40. Connect the fuel line to the fuel rail. Refer to Metal Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service Metal Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service.
41. Release the cooling module from the upper body structure.
42. Install the air cleaner outlet duct. Refer to Air Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement Air Cleaner Outlet Duct Replacement.
43. Connect the negative battery cable. Refer to Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection.
44. Fill the engine with engine oil to the proper level. Refer to Fluid and Lubricant Recommendations (USA and Canada) Specifications.
45. Fill the cooling system. Refer to Cooling System Draining and Filling (GE 47716 Fill) Cooling System Draining and Filling (GE 47716 Fill)Cooling System Draining and Filling (LY7, LZE, LZ4, LZ9) Cooling System Draining and Filling (GE 47716 Fill).
46. Preform Crankshaft Position System Variation Learn Crankshaft Position System Variation Learn Testing and Inspection
47. Road test the vehicle.