Toothed Engine Belts - Storage, Packing and Handling
March 20, 1992
Model Group
All 1
Part Identifier: Number
1524 9204
Subject: Toothed Engine Belts Handling
ATTENTION: Service Manager/Service Technician
Models Affected: All
Improper toothed belt storage, packing and handling.
General Information:
To prevent predamaging toothed belts, it is very important to avoid sharp bends when packing, storing and handling toothed belts (Figure 1).
Tests reveal that sharp bends influence the stability and, therefore, shorten the lifetime of the toothed belt considerably. The break of a predamaged camshaft belt (4 and 8 cylinder engines) is almost straight across (Figure 2, arrow 1) as compared to a slanted break from belt failures for other reasons (Figure 2, arrow 2).