Microfiche - New Issues and Table of Contents
89porsche02Microfilm Bulletin
Subject: New Microfiche Issues
Model Group
Part Identifier Number
Enclosed please find one of each set of the below listed new microfiche issues. Also enclosed is a new page 3 of the table of contents for your Service Microfilm binder. Please remove and discard the previously issued microfiche with the same title and an earlier issue date, and replace with the enclosed microfiche.
Title Issue Date Order Number Dealer Price
928/928S/928 S4 Suggested Repair Times 12/88 WKD 428 321 $3.00
924/944 Suggested Repair Times 12/88 WKD 428 521 $3.00
911/911 Turbo Suggested Repair Times 12/88 WKD 428 421 $2.00
Additional sets of the new microfiche may be ordered directly from Bell and Howell by contacting the Porsche representative at (800) 321-9881, or for Ohio dealers, (216) 264-6666 collect. When placing your order, you will have to provide your Porsche dealer number. Invoicing for ordered microfilm will be done monthly, along with your Porsche product purchases.
January 20, 1989
Model/Year Issue Date Fiche Number Subject Storage Envelope
3/86 W42-600-192-F1 Technical Bulletins, 11/84-12/85 5
3/86 W42-600-192-F2 Technical Bulletins, 11/84-12/85
6/87 W42-600-192-F3 Technical Bulletins, 1/86-12/86
6/87 W42-600-192-F4 Technical Bulletins, 1/86-12/86
9/87 W42-600-192-F5 Technical Bulletins Prior to 11/84
9/87 W42-600-192-F6 Technical Bulletins Prior to 11/84
3/88 W42-600-192-F7 Technical Bulletins 1/87-12/87
3/88 W42-600-192-F8 Technical Bulletins 1/87-12/87
6/87 W42-601-480-F1 Warranty 5
3/88 W42-620-593-F1 Campaigns Prior to 1/85 5
911 Carrera, 12/88 WKD 428 421/1 Suggested Repair Time 6
Turbo 1976- 12/88 WKD 428 421/2 Suggested Repair Time
914/4, 914/6 11/82 W42-602-119-F1 Suggested Repair Time 6
924,944 6/87 WKD 428 221/1 Suggested Repair Time 6
1977-86 6/87 WKD 428 221/2 Suggested Repair Time
6/87 WKD 428 221/3 Suggested Repair Time
924, 944 12/88 WKD 428 521/1 Suggested Repair Time 6
1987- 12/88 WKD 428 521/2 Suggested Repair Time
12/88 WKD 428 521/3 Suggested Repair Time
928, 928S, 12/88 WKD 428 321/1 Suggested Repair Time 6
928 S4 12/88 WKD 428 321/2 Suggested Repair Time
12/88 WKD 428 321/3 Suggested Repair Time
8/84 W42-004-111-F2 Suggested Repair Time/Paint 6
1/83 W42-001-613-1 How to Change Reader Lamp 6
1/83 W42-001-611-1 How to Clean Reader 6
January 20, 1989