Removing and Installing Rear Hub Assembly
Disassembling and Assembling Rear Suspension
Tool Descriptions - No. 1 - 8:
Exploded View Of Rear Suspension:
No. 1 - 20:
No. 21 - 40:
1. Remove propshaft with drive shaft.
2. Remove brake caliper.
3. Take off brake disk after removing two countersunk screws.
4. Remove parking brake shoes and expansion lever. Pull parking brake cable out of its guide in wheel carrier.
5. Remove wheel carrier.
6. Unscrew eccentric bolts and stabilizer linkage bolt and remove lower diagonal suspension link.
Notes on Wheel Suspension, 86 Models Onward.
The exhaust system has been modified as of model year 86. Two secondary mufflers are mounted near the control arms, one on each side.
This modification has necessitated modification of the following components:
- Rear axle transverse member
- Bearing link of lower suspension link mounted on a removable light-alloy casting (instead of directly on body).
- The length of the track eccentric bolt (2) has been changed to suit the modified bearing (bolt shank approx. 10 mm longer).
1. Inspect parts for damage, compare suspect parts with new parts. Do not mix up left-hand and right- hand lower diagonal suspension links (otherwise spring travel is impaired).
2. Coat shanks of camber and track eccentric bolts with Optimoly TA (instead of multi-purpose grease with MOS2) and coat thread with Optimoly HT. Apply a coating of Molykote U to rubber bushing of stabilizer linkage and rubber bushings No. 39 and 40 of lower control arms before installing suspensions links in car.
Note: Spray toe-in eccentrics and camber eccentrics on both sides, adjustment for spring plate on damper and ends of bearing bolt threads (wheel carriers) with underbody wax such as Tectyl - UL - 846 manufactured by Valvoline. This precaution prevents corrosion of the threaded connections, thus facilitating future maintenance and repair work.
3. Tighten bolts and nuts to specified torque.
4. Align axles.