Identification and Repair Procedure
WORK PROCEDUREA. Inspecting A-arms
With vehicle on hoist, note the vendor identification cast into the bottom side of the A-arms (arrows Figure 1).
A-arms with vendor identification "MBF" are approved for use. A-arms with vendor identification "SM" must be replaced.
A-arms on both sides of the vehicle must be checked for the proper vendor type. Mixed installation may have occurred in production.
B. Marking of Vehicles
Vehicles having approved A-arms and vehicles which have had approved A-arms installed must be marked to verify inspection of the vehicle. This is done by placing a paint dot (arrow Fig. 2) on the upper plate of the left side shock tower. If the vehicle paint is light in color use a dark paint for marking and light paint if the vehicle paint is dark.
C. Replacement of A-arms with Vendor Identification "SM"
A-arms with vendor identification "SM" must be replaced. Proceed as follows:
1. Remove lower engine cover.
2. Remove the M10 nuts (arrow A, Figure 3) connecting the stabilizer bar to the lower control arms. Swing the stabilizer bar down to clear the A-arms.
3. Remove the 3 self-locking nuts (arrow B, Figure 3) from the front A-arm mounting, ball joint attaching bolt, and caster eccentric.
Counterhold the caster adjuster with a 19 mm wrench when removing the forward self-locking nut. With a pencil or marker, outline the installed position of the caster adjustment mount on the body. This step will aid in adjustment after reassembly.
4. Remove the two M10x65 mm bolts (arrow C, Figure 3) from the caster adjuster and remove the caster adjuster from the A-arm.
5. Remove the A-arm front mounting bolt (M12x100 mm) and the M10 ball joint bolt and remove A-arm.
6. Lightly coat the caster eccentric with Optimoly TA and loosely install it into the new A-arm using a new self-locking nut.
Do not mix washers during reassembly. The thick washer goes to the caster adjuster and the thin washer to the A-arm front mounting bolt.
7. Install new A-arm onto vehicle. Position the front mounting bolt M12 and install a new self-locking nut.
8. Install the caster adjuster onto the body in the position marked during disassembly. Tighten the two M10 bolts to 46 N-m (33.6 ft.lbs.).
9. Install ball joint into steering knuckle and install M10 bolt with new self-locking nut. Tighten to 50 N-m (36.5 ft.lbs.).
10. Final tighten the front control arm mounting bolt and nut M12 to 65 N-m (47.5 ft.lbs.) and the caster adjuster nut M12 to 85 N-m (62 ft.lbs.) while counterholding caster adjuster.
11. Repeat steps 3 through 10 on the other side if both control arms are to be replaced.
12. Reconnect stabilizer bar to A-arms using new self-locking nuts and tighten to 25 N-m (18 ft.lbs.).
13. Reinstall lower engine cover.
14. Mark vehicle with paint dot as per instructions on page one (1) of work procedure.
15. Align vehicle according to specifications.