Piston, Engine
Pistons, disassembling and assembling con rods
No. Description Qty. Notes
1 Connecting rod nut 8 Replace, tighten to specified torque. Lubricate threads and bearing surface
2 Connecting rod cap 4 Pay attention to pair numbers
3 Lower bearing 4 Always renew worn shell half bearing shells
4 Circlip 8 Removing: Pry out
Installing: Position correctly
5 Piston pin 4
6 Piston 4 Give light coat of oil; position correctly; note tolerance group
7 Piston ring 4
Groove 1
Tapered face
8 Piston ring 4
Groove 2
Tapered face
scraper ring
9 Oil scraper ring 8
Groove 3
10 Spring 4 First install spring; Groove 3 after installing oil scraper rings check whether end gaps of springs are offset
11 Upper conrod 4 Always renew worn bearing shells
bearing shell half
12 Connecting rod 4
with conrod bolts
13 Upper crankcase 1 Check cylinder bores section after mounting lower crankcase section and tightening bolts to specified torque