Vehicle Damage Warnings
^ Always turn off the ignition or disconnect the battery for resistance tests (if this is not done, the measuring instrument may be damaged beyond repair).^ Always disconnect both speed sensor plugs for compression tests. (If this is not done,dangerously high voltages and insulation damage at the coil, high-tension distributor and ignition leads could result.)
^ The specified coil (refer to order number) must not be replaced by a different coil.
^ Never connect an interference suppression capacitor to coil terminals I and 15.
^ Never connect coil terminal 1 to ground for the burglar alarm. This could damage the coil and the control unit beyond repair.
^ Never connect battery + or a test lamp to coil terminal 1, or the control unit will be damaged beyond repair.
^ Never disconnect the ignition lead from coil terminal 4 to high-tension distributor terminal 4 while the engine is running.
^ There must be no electrical flashover from coil terminal 4 to coil terminals 1 and 15, or the control unit could be damaged beyond repair.
^ To avoid destruction of the control unit, the secondary circuit of the ignition system must be suppressed with at least 4 KOhm; the original distributor rotor with 1 KOhm suppressor resistor must be installed (do not use a 5 KOhm distributor rotor even If radio and telephone interference suppression are necessary).
^ Disconnect EZK/LH control units and ignition output stage plugs only after turning off the ignition.
^ Flashovers or insulation breakdowns in the high-tension distributor cap area (poor insulation) could destroy the control unit.
^ Never disconnect the battery when the engine is running.
^ Incorrect battery polarity could damage the ignition output stage, coil and LH-EZK control unit beyond repair.
^ External engine starting at more than 16 V or with a rapid battery charger is forbidden.
^ Always comply with accident prevention regulations when working on the fuel system.