Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Engine: Service and Repair

1. Disable airbag system as described under MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES/AIRBAG SYSTEM DISARMING.
2. Disconnect battery ground cable.
3. Remove cross strut.
4. Disconnect windshield washer and heated spray jet hoses and the engine compartment light electrical connector.
5. Disconnect gas pressure prop lock at bottom and remove hood.
6. Remove air cleaner assembly with intake hoses.
7. Remove coolant expansion tank cap and the radiator upper air guide section.
8. Raise and support vehicle.
9. Remove engine splash guard and drain coolant from radiator.
10. Remove water drain plugs on both sides of upper crankcase section.
11. Drain oil from crankcase.
12. Disconnect exhaust pipes and secondary air injection lines at exhaust manifolds.
13. Disconnect engine to body ground wire at engine.
14. Install radiator drain plug, torquing to 13-17 inch lbs.
15. Remove radiator lower air guide section from radiator.
16. Disconnect ventilation hose at alternator.
17. Disconnect electrical connectors at starter.
18. Disconnect starter wiring clamps on steering crossmember and pull forward toward alternator.
19. Remove clutch housing cover.
20. Remove driveplate attaching bolts, loosen clamping sleeve bolt and push driveplate back on central shaft. Pins for TDC sensor must face down when removing engine.
21. Remove bolts attaching transaxle mounts.
22. Disconnect automatic transaxle vacuum hose at cylinder head and remove clamp.
23. Remove clutch housing mounting bolts at engine block and push transaxle rearward approximately .197-.236 inch (5-6 mm).
24. Lower vehicle.
25. Disconnect electrical connector at A/C compressor, remove compressor attaching bolts and position compressor out of way with hoses still attached.
26. Remove air pump filter housing.
27. Detach radiator to governor housing coolant hoses at housing.
28. Disconnect engine and automatic transaxle cooling lines at radiator.
29. Disconnect temperature switch electrical connector at radiator.
30. Disconnect vent hose at top left of radiator, then remove radiator attaching bolts and remove radiator from above.
31. Disconnect coolant feed hose on coolant pipe at front right, then disconnect adjacent multiple pin plug and the B+ terminal wire.
32. Remove engine to coolant expansion tank vent hose.
33. Remove hose between heater valve and engine connector.
34. Disconnect fuel feed line.
35. Remove TDC sensor.
36. Disconnect fuel return line.
37. Disconnect ignition lead wires on both sides of distributor cap, then detach both ignition coils and position out of way.
38. Disconnect ground wire at body in front of right ignition coil.
39. Detach flushing valve from holder, the charging valve carbon canister hose and the EZF control unit vacuum hose.
40. Detach vacuum hose at brake booster.
41. Disconnect throttle, cruise control and automatic transaxle cables, then remove retainers and clamp on console and position cables out of way.
42. Disconnect hoses at power steering supply tank, drain oil, loosen hose clamp on tank and remove tank.
43. Remove central electric board cover and disconnect plugs for sensor heating and ignition control units and the oxygen sensor.
44. Disconnect multiple pin plugs at EZF and lefthand control units and the multiple pin plug on right side of central electric board.
45. Push rubber cover out of holder in central electric board and into engine compartment.
46. Raise and support vehicle.
47. Remove attaching bolts for left and right engine mounts.
48. Lower vehicle.
49. Attach suitable lifting equipment to engine lifting eyes and tension slightly.
50. Place wooden block between central tube and crossmember.
51. Tilt engine forward and lift slightly at same time, ensuring engine block and clutch housing have been completely disconnected.
52. Mark installed position of and remove power steering pump pressure hose.
53. Lift engine out of vehicle, ensuring that central electric wire harness does not snag.
54. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. Push back transaxle and place wooden block between central tube and crossmember.
b. Install power steering pump pressure hose in marked position before installing engine.
c. Ensure central electric wire harness is properly routed.
d. After lowering engine into hydraulic mounts, remove lifting equipment.
e. Lift clutch housing and transaxle slightly with suitable jack to move engine into installed position.