Computers/Controls - Component Diagnosis
015/09 ENU 0335
May 18, 2009
Diagnosing Components In Earlier Vehicles (15/09)
Vehicle Type:
944/944 S/944 S2/944 Turbo
911 Carrera (964)
911 Carrera (993)/911 Turbo (993)
928/928 S/928 GTS
Model Year:
As of 1986
Components in the vehicle that can be diagnosed (DME, Airbag, ...).
Diagnosis using System Testers ...
- 9288 (System Tester)
- 9588 (Porsche System Tester 2/PST2).
The above-mentioned testers are no longer supported and should therefore not be used for diagnosis. Instead, please use the PIWIS Tester 9718 (PIWIS software version 23.000 or higher) for the vehicles listed above.
This will guarantee that the current software version is used for diagnosis and control unit programming and coding for each vehicle. For this reason, always update the PIWIS Tester with the latest software update.
Please inform all your shop personnel accordingly.