DME Schematic
1 - Fuel pump
2 - Fuel filter
3 - Pressure testing connection
4 - Fuel injectors
5 - Knock sensors
6 - Air flow sensor
7 - Temp. sensor I
8 - Throttle valve switch
Full load contact
9 - Microswitch
Idle speed contact
10 - Idle speed control
11 - Temp. sensor II
in cylinder no. 3
12 - Pressure regulator
13 - Distributor
14 - Ignition coils
15 - Ignition final stages
16 - Digital Motor Electronics
(DME) relay
17 - Altitude potentiometer
18 - DME control unit
19 - Resonance flap
20 - Hall sender
21 - Fuel pump hose
A - Battery + connection
B - From fuel tank
C - To fuel tank
D - To throttle valve housing