Relay Location and Identification
Relays In Central Electric Panel
Located at right-hand side of the luggage compartment.
Layout Of Distribution Box:
Relay Details
No. Relay
R01 Relay Term X
R03 Not Used
R04 Oil cooler blower
R11 Term 15E
R12 Not Used
R13 Not Used
R14 Condenser blower
R21 Sunroof
R22 Power window regulator
R23 Two-tone horns
R24 Control unit instrument lighting
R31 Fog light
R32 Daytime running light control
R33 Term X
R34 Front fog lamp
R41 Not Used
R42 Wiper intermittent control
R43 Headlignt cleaner
R44 Catalytic converter control
R51 Backup light (Automatic)
R52 Not Used
R53 MFI + DI relay
R61 Start relay
R62 Not Used
R63 Daytime running light (Canada)
Relay in Luggage Compartment Right
No. Relay
R65 ABS engine relay
R66 BPAU-pump
R68 ABS valve relay
Fuse/Relay Plate, Left-hand Engine Compartment
Fuses And Relays At Left-Hand Engine Compartment:
1 - Not used
2 - Relay, auxiliary air pump (USA/Canada only)
3 - Relay, AC compressor
4 - Relay, heated rear window
5 - Relay, heater blower
6 - Not used
7 - Connector, suppression capacitor
8 - Not used
9 - Connector, DME X 4/2, engine X3
10 - Connector, DME X 60
11 - Fuse, heater blower 30 A
12 - Fuse, rear window 25 A
13 - Fuse, AC compressor 7,5 A
14 - Fuse, auxiliary air pump 40 A
15 - Suppression capacitor