Technician Safety Information
The greater demands placed on ignition systems by modern engines and the desire for freedom from routine maintenance led some time ago to the introduction of electronic ignition systems on production cars. Normally speaking. the ignition power from electronic systems (of almost all makes) is greater than that of conventional systems, and further power increases can be expected in the future. This places electronic ignition systems in a power range where touching live parts or terminals (either the primary or secondary circuits) could lead to a fatal accident.
In this connection you are reminded that German VDE regulations, and in particular VDE 0104 of July 1967 (or the equivalent national regulations) must be complied with whenever work on or inspection of the ignition system takes place. The ignition must always be switched off (ignition or power source) before work on the ignition system is started. Such work includes:
^ Connecting engine testers, for example
timing light, dwell angle/speed tester, oscilloscope etc.
^ Replacement of ignition system components, for example
spark plugs, coils, distributors, ignition leads etc.
The above-mentioned dangerous voltages will be present in the entire system should it be necessary to switch on the ignition for ignition system testing or engine adjustments.
In other words, there is not only danger from the individual components of the ignition system (for example distributor, coil, control unit, wiring or associated components) but also at wiring harnesses, plug connections and testers.