Powertrain Management: Specifications
Engine Type 3.6L Turbo
Transmission Type M 64/60
Number of Cylinders 6
Fuel System MFI
Bore x Stroke Inch 3.94 X 3.01
Compression Ratio 8
Maximum HP @ RPM 400 @ 5750
Maximum Torque @ RPM 400 @ 4500
Engine Speed Limiter (fuel interuption) @ RPM 6700 ± 20
Normal Oil Pressure, psi 94 [02]
Engine Idle Speed 800 ± 40, with A/C 880 ± 20
Engine Weight 591 lbs [3]
[02] -- Minimum at 5000 RPM w/oil temperature at 176 to 212 deg.F.
[3] Dry and ready for installation, includes underside covers, clutch and A/C compressor.
Engine Design
6-cylinder four-stroke internal combustion engine
with 2 horizontally opposed cylinder banks (flat engine)
Crankcase Light-alloy, two piece
Crankshaft Forged, 8-bearing design
Main Bearings Friction bearings
Connecting Rods Forged
Big End Bearings Friction bearings
Pistons Light alloy, pressed
Cylinders Light alloy, individual cylinders
Cylinder Head Light alloy, individual cylinder heads with ceramic exhaust port liners
Valve Guides Press-fitted
Valve Arrangement 1 inlet, 1 exhaust, suspended in V-design
Valve Timing One overhead camshaft each on right and left
Camshaft Cast
Camshaft Drive Double chain
Valve Clearance Hydraulic lash adjustment
Intake Air System with resonance volume
Load Values Table